HotW Submission: Cozy Campsite

After receiving several compliments on my hideout from a number of people, I've decided to post my hideout. I don't particularly have a name for my hideout; however, the aim here was for a cozy campsite. So, call it "Cozy Campsite" if you will.

This hideout is created using Tora's Lush Hideout. It is a large lush hideout. Screenshots are in this imgur album.

The hideout is intended to be relaxing, cozy, and natural, but simultaneously efficient. I had a few practical usability concerns that I needed to address, including:

(1) Placing the stash near the waypoint in an as-is style so that people who come into my hideout to trade can see it immediately and reach it easily, without mental effort;
(2) Grouping the crafting benches together in one location in order to find the correct crafting bench without mental effort;
(3) Finding a location with plenty of space for Zana's Map device, but still close to the stash and the Masters for looting/selling purposes;
(4) Getting the stash close to the Masters for efficient buying/selling without having issues with dialog windows covering one or the other, but keeping them close enough to avoid much running; and
(5) Keeping the particle effects to a minimum in order to allow for faster load times on systems that perform less efficiently.

I had a few other less practical concerns as well:

(1) Ensuring that people couldn't get behind various props in the environment, such as behind my crafting benches or behind the wagon in the lower right;
(2) Reducing the harsh light source from the right side of the hideout through the heavy usage of trees in order to increase the natural/cozy factor of the place; and
(3) Keeping the body parts/trash stuff to a minimum. People don't enjoy camping next to corpses in reality. This is intended to be cozy and natural; a person should want to be here.

The less practical concerns added a bit more polish to my hideout.

I also leave the area up top largely unoccupied for now. It is available for additional Masters if we ever receive the opportunity to put all level 8 masters in the hideout (or, level 9 or whatever, if we get to level them again). For now, it's a place for fishermen. After all, a Master needs to eat, and fish have a highly important role in this game.

Beyond this, I aimed to make the hideout as natural as possible through a variety of props; as I've said, it is intended to be a cozy campsite.
IGN: Fiona_Falconstrike, Geldar_the_Barbarian, Natalie_Fellshadow

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