[BSC 2.5] Srs MF - 58IIQ/296IIR - Zombie/Animate Guardian/Chaos Golem - 4 aura - Life/ES

This is my first guide ever so go easy on me :)

Just wanted to share my mf char that i've been using during breach league. I made it mainly to farm dried lakes and low tier maps and it does that very well.

It's a perfect league starter as the items required to get it going can be obtained by yourself, and slowly as u build up your currency u can start buying mf specific gear.

Tons of rares will be dropping so it's very nice for chaos recipe which i made most of my currency by.

I'm running 7 zombies, chaos golem and animate guardian. We are very glass so its nice to have some meat shields to take a beat while u stand in the back shooting off spirits.

Let's get right into it..


6L Pledge and 6l Greed is not needed at all to make the build work.. A 4l Pledge is all u need to get it going. We are running alot of uniques so we dont have a lot of resistances, so we need alot of res on our jewels.

We will be taking Necromancer ascendancy obviously.
#1: Mistress of Sacrifice - Makes us benefit from our Flesh Offering, cast and movement speed.
#2: Commander of Darkness - 20 res and more cast speed as well as damage to our minions
#3: Spirit Eater - More cast speed and more damage and attack speed for our minions
#4: Either Flesh binder for more phys reduction or take the 2 small nodes for more damage to minions

Normal: Help Oak
Cruel: Kill All
Merciless: Kill All

Weapon: SRS - Melee Splash - Minion Damage - Item Rarity(4l) - Culling Strike(5l) - Empower(6l)

Armour: Raise Zombie - Summon Chaos Golem - Animate Guardian - Minion life(4l) - Fortify(5l) - Empower(6l) (If u make the armour RRBBBB u can switch out Empower to Raise Spectre to get even more minions in the field.)

Gloves: Discipline - Haste - Clarity - Enlighten

Helm: Flame Dash - Faster Casting - Portal - Desecrate

Boots: Hatred - Generosity - Flesh Offering - Increased Duration (Don't need to be 4l, can be 2x2 (Hatred and Generosity - Flesh Offering and Increased Duration)

Animate Guardian Gear

Just to buff our SRS.. On Gloves, Armour and Boots look for high life and high armour


Last edited by ManseBanse on Feb 27, 2017, 4:01:26 PM
Last bumped on Feb 26, 2017, 5:35:10 PM

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