[3.6] The Lazy Walker - Jugg - VMS walk and kill, 3M shaper, phys/ice/lightning immune, HC


This build will remain strong in 3.6, but I will review new build options when POB is updated with 3.6 content.

-Q&A section added
-Updated leveling section thanks to suggestion by "sikat"

-Replaced Unyielding with Unbreakable for further 5% reduced damage taken.
-After playing this build for several days, I realised the two Vaal Impurities eats up a lot of souls (when entering new map) and is not worth it in most cases. They are very good situational options if you know what boss you are fighting. I'm listing them as optional and give alternatives choices.

17.Dec.2018: V3.5 major update,
- Switching from stacking max resistance to stacking "reduced elemental damage taken"
- Removed MOM since Divination Distillate is reworked
- Martyr of Innocence to boost VMS damage
- Kongming's Stratagem to boost elemental damage reduction
- Review and update new flasks
- Build tested in T16 maps and delves to make sure smooth playstyle
- New POB and skill tree up to date now
- Fix bugged item display in this guide

8.Dec.2018: V3.5 online today. Relevant changes:
-Overall there is a small nerf to HOAG crawler, since we don't scale/rely on chaos damage this doesn't affect us much;
-Razor of Seventh Sun: additional 25% ignite chance is huge buff for this build;
-Fix a bug when MS is active casted VMS will get canceled out. This is very helpful for our build. Since MS is instant spell you can just spam that for mapping.
-Div Distillate completely nerfed. If you play standard can still use legacy flask with +max res. If you play in new league the MOM approach is not worth it anymore. Benefit is you don't need blood magic on your offhand weapon, and you can just pick up a saffel's frame to achieve similar max res. I'm eager to test the new flask "cinderswallow urn" when I get a hold to it.

In conclusion, if you already have this character built 3.5 won't impact us much, only minor tweaks are required. I loaded up my old character and had no problem clearing a T15 map without any modifications. If you are new to this build, it's going to remain strong in 3.5, very tanky, very relaxed play style and very capable to deal with most game content.

25.Oct.2018: Major update to include Herald of Agony.

Why Herald of Agony? Let's compare the pros and cons of this skill and our build:

Our build shines in:
-Procing many hits with no button pressed;
-Defensive layers;
-VMS can instant kill map bosses <5M HP;
-Fast run speed;
-Abyssal Cry can wipe out packs cleanly;
-CWDT and CD reduction boosts convocation.

Our build needs:
-Reliable damage source to kill phased boss;
-Consistently one shot white mob.

Traditional Herald of Agony build shines:
-Don't need investment in minion nodes to work;
-Crawler attack/spell already has GMP, and decent AOE.

However HOAG has some problems:
-Requires manual cast/attack (normally barrage/molten strike) to keep Virulence stacks;
-Crawler AI is crap, often get stuck behind corner/doors;
-Map clearing is not thorough.

If we combine HOAG with our Lazy walker build, we now have:
-Automatic 40 stacks of Virulence without effort;
-HOAG kill one mob, Abyssal Cry kills everything else;
-Auto cast Convocation brings crawler to you every 5 seconds;
-Can deal with all map mods;
-Crawler can kill phased bosses.

Hello Exiles. Congratulations on finding my build. You are about to see a lot of technologies mushed together. With 0 skill button pressed (except the occasional flasks if you feel like so) you will be able to fast clear most content in swag. The best part of this build is its extremely tanky and robust to most damage types. I'm currently Lv 94 and haven't died even once since my build is finalized at Lv 92.

Path of Building

-Auto cast 10 skills per second causing visual mayhem (I liked it, but now I'm blind)
-Can play with 0 button pressed
-Satisfying explosions, lots and lots of them
-Equivalent to maximum resist of 87/99/98% when all buffs are applied
-Auto self healing (roughly 4000 HP/s against single target, much higher during mapping)
-Use auto triggered skills to clear map on full speed (+164% speed)
-VMS and VRF for flashy boss kill
-Very tanky with 7000+ HP
-Permanent Immortal Call
-Permanent blinding on all enemies
-Budget build possible with just 2-3 ex, but a good currency sink if you want to invest in legacy uniques
-VMS with 2 million Shaper DPS for 9.5s
-Single target Shaper DPS of 300k (without VMS)
-Can do all map mods
-Very much hardcore viable

-Need somewhat decent computer setup to handle the visual mayhem
-Uses a lot of uniques, not a league starter material
-Sometimes cause network lag (see below for possible fix)
-Don't kill every trash mob thoroughly, speed run through a map typically leaves 30-50 monsters (open layout) to 5-20 monsters (closed linear maps)

Videos (more to come)
Current Videos
Red Elder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4lbJuDbeaE
T16 Hydra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyNo5uMuPX0
All red elder guardians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWt1qPHbakg
T14 Palace (proof of concept) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONsR-C6Cg4g
Delve footage (courtesy to Twitch.tv/Wogidek) https://www.twitch.tv/videos/324377251 Delve start at 1:00:00.

Previous version videos

Build Mechanism and all the Technologies

Self ignite interactions:
-Eye of Innocence deals 100 fire damage every time you ignite an enemy.
-Self inflicted damage triggers Firestorm, BV, Ball Lightning to inflict huge instances of ignites on enemies.
-The Rat Cage converts 10% of that to physical damage. Therefore every time you ignite an enemy, you hit yourself with physical damage.
-Self physical damage pops your VMS very frequently
-Ngamahu's Sign heals you every time you ignite.

Defensive layers:
-Juggernaut’s endurance charge gain on hit has you instantly at maximum endurance charges in combat.
-Generated endurance charge fuels permanent immortal call -- meaning you are always immune to physical hits.
-CWDT Ball Lightning in shaped glove blinds all enemy. It also provides instant 40 Virulence stacks.
-All enemy (easily blinded, including Elder/Shaper/Guardians) have 30% reduced spell damage
-Other effects such as Fortify and Vaal Impurity auras can further stack reduced elemental damage taken. See table below for full details
-Combining Jugg's Ascendancy, and flasks, you are immune to the following mechanism: Slow, chill, freeze, all curses, bleeding and corrupted blood.
-CWDT phase run guarantees safe and speed.
-Bladefall (with Curse On Hit) applies mass temporal chain during mapping
-Herald of Agony can deal with Ele reflect maps
-Autocast Flesh offering not only buffs your HOAG crawler, but also eliminates ground corpses, make you safe against detonate dead strongboxes.

-The only thing that can kill you now are:
1. The molten fire core chase you after monster dies;
2. Ground effect explosion
3. Stand long time in Lab traps
4. Disconnection

Offensive automations:
-VMS can be active 60% through out the game (90% if use Soul Ripper);
-At 40 stacks of Virulence, Herald of Agony crawler deals at least 300k damage with pierce, enough to one-shot any white/blue/rare mob on any map;
-Stacking cooldown reduction in belt and boot allows 20% faster cooldown on everything, such as cwdt, immortal call, Phase Run etc. That's not only 20% more damage, but also more ignite, and smoother mapping.

-Vaal Molten Shell (VMS) and Vaal Rightous Fire (VRF) are abused for boss fights. Every time you ignites and enemy your VMS will pop, dealing some 40-70k dmg per hit. With all the duration nodes VMS lasts 9.5 seconds. In theory you are igniting 50-100 times per second, but in reality Shaper DPS (tested with Guardian) is more like 2-3M. The lost damage is possibly due to internet tick delay or server side restriction.

Important: how to reduce lag

1. Options -> UI -> Networking Mode, use "Predictive"
2. Enable Dynamic resolution
3. If you still experience disconnection, it might be due to internet quality or your local POE server. Replacing ball lightning will significantly reduce server-side load (however also reduce the number of ignites). Alternative spells should have decent number of hits per cast, for example Armageddon Brand, glacial cascade and arc.

Bandit, Pantheon, Ascendancy, skill tree and leveling progression

Bandits: Kill All

Pantheon: Arakaali (reduce shock) and Yugul (Cold dmg taken reduction)

Lvl 100 Skill tree:

Take Unflinching first;
Then take Unstoppable, Unbreakable and Unrelenting (order doesn't matter)

Leveling progression:
Level 68 (can equip all uniques)

Level 82 (Most damage node taken, push towards end game)

Leveling Guide

This build doesn't have much crit/spell/attack nodes taken. I recommend level in a Party.
If solo, when you are low level, can use Abberath Hooves to level:
At Lv.30ish Abberath damage falls off, can switch to poet pen:

Leveling methods by sikat and (highly recommended)
My very smooth leveling experience:

Smite to level 12.

4 link quill rain, tabula, toxic rain to level 16

vaal rain of arrows + life gain on hit + lesser poison (change to poison later) + (combustion when you get ngamahu's rings)

Herald of Agony on tabula 6 link. That thing decimates everything while you tank stuff with your all hp nodes.

Add CWDT, Convocation, Immortal Call + increased duration as soon as you can because the minion is very stupid and convocation really makes a difference.

I picked Unstoppable as second for more speed, because you are already extremely tanky. Pick jewels with poison and ignite chance for extra damage and tankyness.

And a similar method by TomTheBloody
4-link: incinerate + cast while channeling + firestorm + lesser poison
5-link: herald of agony + minion damage + pierce + DMG on full life + vicious projectiles.
leveling feels very good, especially, since we`re not taking any dmg nodes on passive tree. and gear i`m using is also just random trash i had laying around. used tabula until lvl 46, with added cold damage as 6th link, now using 5-link belly of the beast for extra life, resists and such.
also, a great leveling unique is karui ward, gives us all we need, dex, projectile speed and damage and move speed.

Required Uniques

Eye of Innocence + Ratcage is an ancient technology allowing self damage and proc CWDT, and also enables VMS. In order to mitigate the self damage, we use two of Ngamahu's Sign.
Razor of Seventh Sun has recently been buffed (+25% ignite), it also provides lots of HP gain/ignite instance.
Kongming's Strategem is essential for our damage mitigation, and provides decent damage boost too.

Gearing (Besides from required Uniques)

My Current Gear

This is your VMS 6L. Use a 5/6L helmet with Immolate & Conc effect. Have some resistance, dex and life is bonus.


This is your Ball Lightning link. It provides a lot of ignites and poison per second. I recommend use a rare shaped glove, with:
-Socketed gems are supported by lv# Slower Projectile;
-Socketed gems are supported by lv# Blind.

Additional useful stats:

Luxury version:
-Elemental Weakness on Hit implicit;
-Commandment of Inferno enchantment.

Budget version:
The Embalmer
In this case move your HOAG links to this glove, it's a free 5L, and since we use Empower, you can get a corrupted glove with "+1 level to all socketed gems" and this translates to the same DPS as 6L.

Boot and Belt, and "Cooldown Recovery Speed"
This is arguably the most OP affix in POE, therefore we can only obtain from two slots: 20% from shaped belt, and 15% from shaped boots.

+35% CD recovery speed will:
-Reduce CWDT cooldown from 250ms to 185ms;
-Reduce Phase Run cooldown from 4s to 3s (permanent run);
-Reduce Immortal Call cooldown from 3s to 2.2s (permanent call).

Therefore I strongly recommend to use rare boot + rare belt combo. Priority stats are Cooldown recovery speed->life->dex & res. Movement speed in boots.

Swap Weapons

For mapping (optional, and for VMS boss fights):

Another v3.5 buffed unique, double VMS hits, makes all low level skills gems hit much much harder too.

General weapon set (all-purpose, tanky):

If you prefer 6 sockets to level gems for profit, can use Dancing Dervish for free rampage.


Wiseoak is essential for this build, and you need to balance your uncapped resistances so that fire>=ice=lighting.

Soul Catcher is very nice for this build (and cheap). Soul ripper has become much cheaper this league, hence would be a very nice upgrade to Soul Catcher.

Quicksilver/life flasks/other blue flask provides 70% movement speed and heal. Use their suffix slots for curse (silence curse can be deadly), bleeding (get rid of corrupted blood), shock (in the most unlucky day, end game bosses crit twice on you) immunity.

If you want to use RF (not VRF), must have a flask of Dousing. The ignite remove functions like a manual STOP button for RF. In this way you can enjoy the 39% MORE damage buff when every you like, and stop the life degen when not needed. If you somehow don't have Phase Run in your cwdt links due to coloring issue, you can also replace this flask with a phasing flask.


Perfect abyssal jewel (+50 life) provides 10% more life than a perfect regular jewels (+7% life. They are both fine if you can find good affixes)

In order of priority:
1. One Abyssal Jewel should add a chaos or physical component to your spells, to allow ball lightning to poison. Search for "add # phys/chaos damage (to spell)". You don't need this if you use Embalmer.
2. Cap your resistance, and fill in dex requirements (need 159 dex)
3. %life or #life
4. Chance to ignite
5. Increase spell/AOE/fire damage

My jewels as an example:

Luxury upgrades:

-Ratcage has a legacy version with no penalty to fire res cap or fire res;
-Ring with corrupted modifier +all elemental resistance;
-Eye of Innocence with +1 curse implicit (if you have enough dex already);
-Corrupted boot and belt with +1 endurance charge implicit;
-Kongming's Strategem with +6% AOE damage reduction from hits
-Good Ratcage with +1 skill or +% cold/lightning damage reduction implicit (too rare and unlikely to find in market)

Gem Links

Kongming's Strategem (All-purpose weapon set)
Incinerate - Cast while Channeling - Firestorm
This is your CWC firestorm setup during bossing, provides reliable ignite, and some 100k Shaper DPS without VMS.

Razor of Seventh Sun (All-purpose weapon set)
Vaal Impurity of Lightning - Vaal Impurity of Ice - Vigilant Strike
The Vaal Impurities eats up a lot of souls when entering new map, and are not necessary for easy maps. I recommend you equip the right impurity gem for the right boss (if necessary), and for general mapping just go Conc Path(R)-Faster Attack(G)-Fortify(R).

Boot 4L
CWDT(1) - Immortal Call(3) - Blade Vortex(8) - - Phase Run(3).

Glove 4L
Firestorm(8) - Ball lightning(4) - CWDT(1) - Poison(20) - Slower projectile [Glove affix] - Blind [Glove affix]
This is your mass ignite link, also blinds and poisons on hit.

Helm 4L
Vaal Molten Shell(20) - Fire Penetration(20) - Controlled Destruction(20) - Combustion(20)
This is your VMS 4L, combined with helm socketed gem supported by Immolate and Conc Effect, this is essentially a 6L for boss fight.

Chest 5-6L
Herald of Agony(21) - Empower(4) - Damage on Full Life(20) - Minion Damage(20) - Pierce(20) - Vicious Projectile(20)

This is your HOAG 6L. HOAG scales extremely well with gem level, hence if you want to level one gem up while mapping, make sure you start with something like Lv17.

Martyr of Innocence 6S 5L for mapping
CWDT(1)- Bladefall(4) - Curse On Hit(20) - Temporal Chain(20) - Flesh Offering(8), VRF(20)

Mass spammed Bladefall applies temp chain during mapping; VRF can be used in combination with VMS when entering boss fight. Temp chain can be changed for flammability for more damage buff.

Gameplay style

1. Pop all flasks run towards mobs
2. Your BV will normally trigger the first ignite, and every other CWDT spell will burst like an avalanche.
3. If you use RF, manually pop Dousing flask to stop RF self damage when monsters killed
4. During boss fight, swap to sword/shield weapon set, and use VMS (and VRF) to kill boss. If the boss didn't die your crawler can reliably finish him off.

Important small things you might have missed

If you are dying a lot from this build
Obviously something is wrong. You need to figure out WHAT exactly killed you. Most commonly, I've seen:
-Fire resistance is not capped at 75%, and your self damage (fire) will overwhelm your self healing;
-Put a low level VRF in a level 1 cwdt link, and RF will always trigger and you die in panic screaming "HOW DO I TURN THIS SHIT OFF!"
-Don't yet have seamless phys immunity due to not having 5/6 endurance charge or no CDR in gear. Facetanking mobs in high tier map will eventually get you.
-Leveled all CWDT too high (>1) and can't trigger anything quickly
-Die by bleed: carry utility flask
-Insufficient self heal: you might be running 90% chance to avoid ailment red maps, be careful in those
-Reflect maps: remember never ever touch MS or VMS!
-Die/disconnect by DeSync: I really can't help much here besides from suggestions in the "How to Fix Lag" section.

If you are not dealing much damage
-Don't have "+phys/chaos damage to spell" in your jewels, ball lightning won't apply poison, no virulence and crawler don't deal much damage. This is like the most common question I've seen
-GregoryPOE pointed out: "When I was using "3-7 phys damage to spells" jewel it was not enough to reliable get poisons because phys damage range on ball lighting was just 0-1 and it seems it doesn't proc poison when it roll 0." This is very important, POE always ROUND DOWN when dealing with non-integers. Always check your tooltip damage of ball lightning, a safe bottom line might be minimum 10 phys/chaos damage.

-Take resistance nodes when you don't have capped res. "Holy Dominion" is the best
-Remember to apply fortify (with Vigilant Strike) in high level maps
-You don't need both Vaal Impurity auras at the same time, they will eat up too much souls when you enter a new map. Rather, tailor your gems based on the boss you plan to fight. In easy maps, don't use them at all
-Is self-ignite worth it? Amulet brings +70% damage when ignited: No. This 70% translates to just 10% MORE final damage, which is not worth to replace a ring or boot (only Mokou and Sunspite can self ignite).
-I don't like Kongming shield: best replacement is Victario's Charity. The additional frenzy and power charges on crawler is stronger than a 7th link!
Last edited by alexh1985#0823 on Mar 8, 2019, 5:15:17 PM
Last bumped on Feb 15, 2020, 8:55:38 PM
How well does this handle heavy DoTs? Cool build btw.
AdventAngel153 wrote:
How well does this handle heavy DoTs? Cool build btw.

Thanks. I assume you are talking about Delve degen?

If you don't kill the mobs, just ignite them to get mass regen, you should easily have 20000 heal/s, and perhaps much more. You get 4000 heal against single target. I use RF for general mapping, with 76% fire res and no investment in HP regen, my health pool will always be capped when there is mob around me.

But too much spells on screen can cause disconnection, which I've had a few.
I'm actually gonna try this in standard. How about dealing with single target heavy hitters?
Last edited by AdventAngel153#0936 on Sep 11, 2018, 2:51:09 AM
AdventAngel153 wrote:
I'm actually gonna try this in standard. How about dealing with single target heavy hitters?

You should have 6500-7000 HP at lvl 90. If the first shot won't kill you you will be physically immortal. See my Minotaur kill video.
im having a hardtime with bosses that deal heavy DoT how do i deal with them?
also how would this belt function with head hunters?
Your video shoes reverse knockback although I do not see anything that generates this effect in the current build. I assume the video was made using Empire's Grasp.

What did you not like about the reverse knockback to omit it or am I missing it somewhere?
AdventAngel153 wrote:
im having a hardtime with bosses that deal heavy DoT how do i deal with them?

Hi, which boss are you fighting? Did you have "monster have 90% chance to avoid elemental ailment" mod on your map?
AdventAngel153 wrote:
also how would this belt function with head hunters?

HH provides excellent dex, which is what we need. I've played with it for a few maps, don't feel like benefiting from the huge speed buff like other builds with HH. How do you feel with HH?

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