New player needing advice omptimizing a build. HS/Sunder Marauder build.

Greeting exiles!

New player here, so i picked up a guide an started following it ( So far so good, 6 days played level 89, clearing t7 maps without any troubles (building a pool for t8), doing almost full uber lab runs(no argus) again with no troubles. My problem is that this guide leave me with 10+ points unlocated when i hit 100. And I cant make up my mind what to take.
My Stats are: 7326 hp; ~18500 armor with granite flask; 10% evasion; 3 end charges + 1 fortify + granite + basalt + pantheon gives me 90% phys damage reduction; fire/frost/lightning res all between 78%-85% without end buffs.
Aiming to get around 100% to all resist with all end charges up, for maps with reduced player resistances mods. So far i have +12% and i can double it with 3 Stamina/Vigour pick ups

On paper this should be enough deffence from what i`ve read. But i still feel kinda papper, since argus is two shoting me.

The talents i`m keeping my eyes on and i cant choose between are:
Rampart (buffing fortify + slight dps increas) 4 points
Stamina/Vigour (+1 end charge and 0.2 hp reg per end charge or end duration) - 2 points
* up to +3 end charge for 6 points (with my build i will have 6end)
Diamond skin (15 to all resist) - 2 points
* dont think of getting it, if i go for 3x stamina

and the lesser ones like : Aura Effectiveness (im using arctic aura) or
Combat stamina (lil armor/lil regene/lil life) or Indomitable (only armour) or Martial expertice or Blood Magic or something else that i missed.

Would apreciate any feedback. Thanks in advance.
Last bumped on Dec 1, 2018, 11:48:16 AM

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