FUN WITH TENTACLE: Nebuloch exploited for sweet EHP

How to get a lot of EHP with a low budget (under 200c for me) but still decent damage?

well acrobatics and phase acrobatics are nice

but Acrobatics is heavy RNG dependent

so how to survive when a hit gets through?

The Answer!

Nebuloch Tentacle Mace

This sweetboi gives not only extra damage but also insane amount of armor and chaos resistance

which leads to (at lvl 80):

with still decent damage (at lvl 80):

which is even more with other skills, in the PoB you can see it with Tectonic Slam reaching up to 1mill dps.

You just need more regen in your build to counter the degeneration when you get hit.
So as long as you have enough Regen/FireRes and make it to PhaseAcrobatics you can build however you like with any Attack that works with maces.

The issues which i encountered,
a bit clunky playstyle, not as much movement or attack speed as other builds that play much more fluent.
And not having endurance charges on bossfights.
For bossfights i found this solution

You put them on, get full charges and switch back to your previous boots before you move.
And with Enduring Cry you can refresh your endurance charges before they run out.

A Possible Build

in my Current Build you have 18k Armor which absorbs every physical hit up to 1394damage by 90% (which is cap)
An Uberelder Hits up to 6.6k physical which is still mitigated by 54%

this build is without any fancy items like loreweave, that would decrease the degen by 20%, but if you throw some currency at it i guess you can take it much further
Last bumped on Mar 6, 2019, 8:37:48 AM

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