Koffe's Fireball DoT Trickster - Easy deathless Shaper, Nice clear and Tanky.

- This was my league starter for 3.6
- 142/159 atlas completion with all Shaper guardians, Shaper and Atziri deathless
- Hardcore and SSF viable
- Invested 1 ex in the build
- Much room for improvements
- Tried it in four different setups;
Life, MoM, MoM/EB, and EB. All good.

Swapping GMP for Swift Affliction for single target.




If you got questions or want to see it in action, you are welcome to twitch.tv/KQFFE

Good luck, exile.
Last edited by KQFFE on Mar 14, 2019, 11:39:54 PM
Last bumped on Mar 14, 2019, 2:12:40 PM
Is that all the information we get? no build tree, gems, etc? :(

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