Google just beat EVERYONE to TRUE mobile gaming!

OMG GG Google Stadia!!!

If games are going to be online only, then they should be enjoyed from ANY device!

Don't really think it's off topic because if GGG is smart, they will get on this, if they aren't already...

And I know it's been around a decade, but it's never been backed like this.

Think I'll hold off on that gaming laptop.
I will wear your ghost and you will die twice, against me and for me.
That is some cold blooded shit to say...
Last bumped on Mar 20, 2019, 3:31:35 PM
This will suffer from latency.
Not talking about the poe server latency you have but the added latency of taking your input, getting it to the server, doing the calculations, sending the stream to your pc and finaly outputing on your monitor.

My pc wont be replaced any time soon by services like that. Its kind of cool tech tho.
You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don't, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that's nowhere land.
Yeah the concept is nice but if latency is a very key part of this.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
It is okay for some games but fps games will not be able to do this for a very long time. Too much latency and you need quick response in shooters and most games to be honesty.
And latency is a physical limitation. You can reduce the latency, tho, but you'll need a server with huge GPU every few miles away from each player, to have < 10ms latency.
I feel that someday it will be how most people play games. It is just going to take a while to get there I think.
They tried this in 200X with Dark Age of Camelot. Didn't work then either.

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