Beginner Marauder Build - if you can dedicate 15 min to answer me, it will mean me a lot

I have several questions, but first thing first.

First of all, thank you all for reading. At the moment, I am following this build (, but cause I am still a noob, I can't understand everything. At the moment, I am level 28.

My goal is to be as more tanky as I can because I am playing this game first time and I think this is the best way to start. (I suppose that is Juggernaut build).

At the moment, I am using a "One handed axe" and a "Shield". Rest of my gear is focused on armor quantity. For example: I am wearing War plate (chest) which has 3 gem slots (blue, red, green) with 216 armor, Bronze Gauntlets (shoes) which also has 3 gem slots (3 red ones) with 77 armor.

what should my gear be focused on (armor, evans. resist...) and which type of "gems" are the most important to me. I searched over the internet and saw a lot of builds, but they are all different and I can't understand them very well because they are written for people who are already playing this game and know much more about it than me.

What should my rings, amulet & belt be focused on?
At the moment, I have Coral ring with +30 to maximum life + another coral ring (yellow one) with 25 to maximum life, 14% increased mama reg., 8% to maximum life, 9+ to cold resistance, +5 to life gained on kill.
+30 to Intelligence, 15 to maximum life, +2 life gained for each enemy hit
+30 to maximum life, +19 to strength, +5% reduced enemy stun threshold, +7 armor, +14 maximum life, +13% to fire resistance, +14% increased elementar damage with Attack Skills.

Corrupted items: --> can you also explain me, I have few items & gems which says they are corrupted. What does it exactly mean.

Recommendation--> what is your recommendation about weapons I should use, should they be one handed weapon, hammer, sword, dagger....?


Unfortunately, I have a quite lot of gems and I will list them here all, can you recommend me on which one to focus and level and does it make any difference if I have red gem on my shoes or on my sword or helmet...


1)Infernal Blow
2) Ancestral Protector
3) Glacial Hammer
4) Melee Physical Damage Support
5) Molten Strike
6) Ruthless Support
7) Smite
8) Leap Slam
9) Ranged Attack Totem Support
10) Added Fire Damage Support

1) Arc (corrupted)
2) Essence Drain
3) Spark
4) Wave of Conviction
5) Minion Damage Support
6) Arc --> (FYI, it is corrupted) this is one gem, but it gives me 2 spells
7) Spell Cascade Support
8) Conversion Trap
9) Increased Critical Strikes Support

1) Frost Blades
2) Herald of Ice
3) Ice Shot
4) Lesser Poison Support
5) Shattering Steel
6) Spectral Shield Throw
7) Additional Accuracy Support


If you have any good recommendations (please don't just link builds, at least write few words about them because I really can't understand everything they say) about leveling, gearing, gems ....I will be more than grateful.I like this game a lot and I don't want to stop playing, but in order to having fun while playing it, I need to know some basics right?

I'm struggling with finding quests locations, nexus memory and its synthesizer, hideouts & blood altars for crafting, etc....


If you can dedicate me 15 minutes and explain me in to detail, I will appreciate it a lot.

Last bumped on May 14, 2019, 4:18:10 PM
I'm a beginner like you, but I've managed to get to Elder in a couple of leagues and get to red maps, so I'll help you with what I know.

First, you'll often see builds saying they're a SKILL CLASS build, for instance, a Molten Strike Juggernaut. This is because most builds choose 1 skill to focus on as their primary damage dealer and choose everything (gear, passives, gems etc) around that skill. You'll want to ditch most of your damage dealing abilities and choose one (I notice you have molten strike, there's a good molten strike juggernaut build on this very forum!).

Next, it's good that you're focusing on life with your gear, but you also need to focus on capping your resistances. This means you need to get your fire, lightning and cold resistances to 75%. This is pretty much true no matter what class or build you're playing. You can press "C" and go to "Defence" to see what those values are. If you don't get them to 75%, you're going to have a lot of trouble getting past Act 6, as a lot of the damage you receive from that point forward will be elemental.

Your weapon is going to be dependent on what skill you end up using. If you want to play a "Molten Strike" build for instance, you'll need something like "Grelwood Shank." Your weapon should support your primary damage dealing skill very specifically.

Items can be corrupted in a number of ways, the important thing to remember is that once an item is corrupted, it can't be changed. You can't use any of your currency items (chaos orbs etc) to change the values, it's stuck the way it is. Corrupted items sometimes have powerful implicit abilities or extra quality to make up for this discrepancy.

Gem Links and the passive tree are a bit difficult to explain, but most classes will have at least:

* 1 damage dealing skill linked to 4 or 5 support gems.
* 1 movement skill( Leap Slam, Phase Run, Blink Arrow, Shield Charge etc)
* At least 1 or more Auras (Hatred, Anger, Herald of Blah etc). You don't need a full mana bar on pretty much any character, so make use of that extra mana!
* A golem skill gem. You get one golem for free, use it!
* Something that lets them inflict a curse. Once again, you get a free curse, so you should use it. There are a number of ways to inflict curses, but "cast on hit" is an ok way to get them onto your enemies.
* A way of generating "charges." These are dependent on the class, but most damage dealing classes will enjoy having "power" or "frenzy" charges at the very least.
* Immortal Call -> Cast When Damage Taken. It's your choice whether you use this or not, but it will save your butt on multiple occassions.

That's a super quick basics rundown, but there are loads of resources available to learn this stuff online.
Dude, thank you a lot. I managed somehow to figure it out which guide to follow & learned some basics. Anyway, this helps me a lot.

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