Leap Slam (and maybe other movement skills)


Lately I've been testing Leap Slam and it feels kinda unresponsive and clumsy.

Why is that? well lets break this down a bit:

First of all, to reach the max. range while moving requires you to press down L2 if there are enemies around and when you do press and hold L2 the problem is, your character stops (because of Stand Still function) and this alone already makes the moving feel a bit of clumsy.

So I find this a bit annoying especially when you just try to travel around or get better positioning in certain situations.

Easy solution: Swap the function between Max. Range bind (L2 + Leap Slam) and with the default bind (Leap Slam, auto-target), this would make the skill feel much more responsible to move around.

Secondly. The Pathing. There are many small obstacles in the game that can easily interrupt to reach the max Leap range or wanted destination. It seems that even a smallest line of sight may interrupt the travel to the max range. Even there are a lot of free space around those interrupting small obstacles, and I think this is a thing where the skill function shouldn't be too strict, especially if there is a lot of space around that block.

Possible solution: Adjust the algorithm of Leap Slam to ignore those smallest line of sights and make it to somehow take account that "free-to-travel" area around the path and destination, or something like that, I think you got the point :)

I am not sure if there are other skills that may act same like Leap Slam.

Here is a short clip of messing around with Leap Slam:

This came to my mind when did some more playing with Leap Slam: About the auto-targeting, I think the skill would work more much smoother if the auto-target would prioritize those line of sight targets who are at the most far away a.k.a. backline. After all it's a movement / gap closer -skill and I don't really see much reason to use it against targets in melee radius.
Last edited by k-r4n3 on May 17, 2019, 7:56:30 AM
Last bumped on May 16, 2019, 10:56:35 AM

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