Glacial Hammer Jugg League Starter?

Greetings, exiles. What are your thoughts on this as a league starter? I'm thinking dual wield maces and crit. I've tried some trees, seem too stretched towards templar and ranger.
Last bumped on May 31, 2019, 12:25:38 PM
I don't know the gem and we don't know the 3.7 changes yet.

But i've done a Mace Crit Consecrated Path Version some days ago. Maybe that helps:
Thanks for the input, Rake. I was more keen on GH since it's a cold skill and I really like cold interaction in this game (chill, freeze, shatter). For fire I was thinking new Chieftain.
Have you considered Ice Crash instead of Glacial Hammer?
That's more base damage, and lets you use swords/claws which are in general much better than maces.
For tree you can check out my current character in flashback from my profile. It's a champion, but I'm passing 5pts away from marauder start so that's an easy swap if you want to go for it.
Both ice crash and glacial hammer have shit aoe. I swear it will feel like trying to cut your hair with a pincet.

If you want ice explosions, it's better to go reave with cold conversion, frost blades, sunder or something with bigger AoE.
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster:
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer:
[3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker:
All Melee Skills will get changed in some way. Just hope they are doing more than just changing Damage Numbers one some skills.

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