A cheap and great build for this league and end game.

This build is mainly focused on sitting in the middle of the packs of mobs and shattering them in an instant. Its mainly focused on evasion and blocking the damage, but it also has a high leech which can come in handy many times. The builds primary damage source is its critical hits Welp to cut the chase short, we are talking about CoC (cast on critical strike). You can't ask for a better build for this league, you just open the crystal and break almost all of the frozen enemies and when they start attacking? You shatter them just as fast.

Pros and Cons

Cheap for starter, Around Average expensive to finish.
You can do no leech or no regen maps
You can do elemental reflect and physica reflect maps.
Does decent early game
Very great late game, clears maps very fast.
Medium to slightly high single target damage.
Very nice to play inside the mine.
Does decently against Catharina in the syndicate, nobody else posses any problems.

Can't do No Regen and No Leech maps. If its only one, then no problem. Both can't.
Can be a bit annoying when dealing with temporal chains xD (i just hate those)
A bit immobile with cyclone, but can compensate with frostblink.
Uber Atizir might be a bit hard because you need to be close and you might hit the reflect clone with cyclone, i suggest using double strike at that one.

Passive tree and ascendancy

First thing we gonna talk about will be the Ascendancy. Major god will be Lunaris and its mandatory. As for the minor god it will be free to pick between Ralakesh if you have problems with bleeding and such, Shakari if you want to be immune to poison, and the most preferable one for this build Yugul for the chill and freeze reflect.

Bandits: You will want to help Alira, her bonuses will help you greatly later on.

1st thing you will want to go to will be Ambush and Assasinate
2nd thing will be Opportunistic
And finally you go towards Deadly Infusion.

Passive tree link: https://pastebin.com/b7gbciUr
The tree link includes all of my items and how the build should look at max level.


I will talk 1st about Mandatory items and then for optional, late game ones.

Mandatory items will be: Items that you need to get early in the game, early meaning after you kill kitava 2nd time, if before they will greatly help.

1. Doryani's Invitation

Reason for this item, 1st one is because of the resists, since there are only 2 none unique items in this build you need to get this belt for the resists, take only the lighhtning and fire resist one, since this will give you extra cold damage 30% at its best, plus some leech.

At the time i make this post, the belt costs at most 2 chaos.

2. Lycosidae

Reason for this item, simply because of the attacks can't be evaded, other things you need to look out on this item are chance to block and maximum hp, the higher the better.

Price for this item was around 8 to 10 Chaos

3.First snow x2 (two of them)

Reason for this is very simple, more projectiles and more projectile damage. Corruption is not mandatory unless you want to min max the build.

Current price for it, 1-2 Chaos for max roll

4. Frozen Trail x2 (two of them)

Same as with First snow, more projectiles and just like before corruption not mandatory. Also Increased Damage and Global critical strike chance are the only corruption you'll want on your jewels.

Current price for the item 1-2 Chaos for max roll

5. Doedre's Damning

This item is only needed because of the extra curse thing. Because you will need to run two curses at the same time. Corruption isn't mandatory unless you want to min max.

Cost is around 1-3 chaos

6. A six linked chest, preferably a tabula rasa, you can use it for all content without a problem.

Price for a tabula is around 13-15 Chaos

7. The Pandemonius

This item isn't exactly mandatory, but it will drastically increase your survivability, on top of giving you more cold damage, cold pent and some resists.

Price for this is be around 2.5-3 Exalts, but again, not really mandatory until late game (level 90 and above)

And that's all the mandatory items that you need to run this build.

Full build items, you'll want to buy this items, in this exact order if you want to max your damage output.


1. Inya's Epiphany

This item is simply good from all points of view, movement speed, hp, damage per power charge and more faster way to get power charges. No reason not to get it. The enchants you want on this are the damage penetration or 60% critical strike chance if you didn't deal one recently. You might not need the last one when you got full build since the crit chance will reach around 87%

The price, without the enchant, is around 4-6 Chaos

2. Starkonja's Head

More crit chance and attack speed, which is always wanted on this build, plus the extra survivability from hp and a lot of evasion and reduced damage taken. Enchants you'd want on this would be for Frostbold or Freezing Pulse.

Price for this, without the enchant, is 1-4 Chaos

3. Cospri's Malice

Best sword for this kind of build, since it gets rid of the reflected physical damage problem, in case you might use a regular sword. Also it has everything you want, attack speed, critical strike chance, multiplier and flat cold damage.

Price for the sword is around 25-40 Chaos

4. Loreweave

Best armor you could possibly want, for maxing out both damage and defense. Things to look out for on this are, critical strike chance, elemental damage and maximum resistance. Everything else is just a bonus.

Price for this is around 1-2 Exalts

5. Fingerless Silk Gloevs

The only base type of gloves you'd want to use. Things you need from them, except the implicit are, increased attack speed, cold and lighting resistance, maximum hp, if you manage to get cold damage on them, great.

Price is around 35-50 Chaos, but with less attack speed, haven't found something similar so far.

6. Opal Ring

Although some people prefer diamond ring for more crit, trust me at this point you won't need more. This ring gives the best stats you could want. Things to look out for, increased cold damage, flat cold damage, maximum life. Rest you can craft.

Price, none found on legion so far. Original price for this ring was 3 Exalts.

7. The Green Nightmare

This should be probably the last thing you'd want to buy. After you finished everything else, you'll go for this.

Price for this is around 2.5 Exalt

That sums up all the items for a full build.



1. Eternal Life Flask

You will use this flask to increase survivability even more, in combination with the rest of the items, your chance to get hit becomes lower and lower.

Should be cheap to buy, i make it with alterations.

2. Divine Life Flask

Something for insta heal and bleed remove.

Should be rather cheap to buy, i usually make this one with alterations and bestiary crafting.

3. Quicksilver Flask

More movement speed for faster clear, and even bigger duration.

This flask will be a bit of a problem since its very expensive, around 1-3 Exalts, to get perfect stats on it, don't go for it unless you finished buying everything else.

4. Diamond Flask

More crit chance and a way to get rid of freezes, if they even happen.

Price is around 10-15 Chaos

5. Atizir's Promise

The last flask you'll need will be this, for more sustain due to the hp leech as well are more damage. Only stat you are interested on this flask is the 15% of elemental damage as extra damage, the other one is useless anyway.

Cost 3-5 Chaos

In case you are having problems with your resistances, i suggest you use a Wise Oak flask any stats will do, Price should be around 1-3 chaos.

Gems and links


Helmet: 3 Red and 1 Green, all linked
- Cast when damage taken (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Increased Duration (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Immortal Call (lvl 12, quality 20)
- Summon Ice Golem (lvl 20, quality 20)

Sword: 2 Blue and 1 Green, all linked
- Freezing Pulse (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Frostbolt (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Hypothermia (lvl 20, quality 20)

Shield: 2 Green and 1 Blue, all linked
- Onslaught (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Herald of Ice (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Lightning Warp / Frostblink (lvl 20, quality 20)

Gloves: 2 Red, 1 Green and 1 Blue, all linked
- Shield Charge (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Fortify (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Power Charge on Critical (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Faster Attacks (lvl 20, quality 20)

Boots: 3 Blue and 1 Red, all linked
- Englighten (lvl 4)
- Blasphemy (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Frostbite (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Warlord's Mark (lvl 20, quality 20)

Chest: 3 Green and 3 Blue, all linked
- Frostbolt (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Freezing Pulse (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Cyclone (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Hypothermia (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Cast on Critical Strike (lvl 20, quality 20)
- Increased Critical Strike (lvl 20, quality 20)

A note on gem corruption. Only gems you are interested in corrupting are gonna be frostbolt and freezing pulse, getting either of them to level 21 and 20 quality will be a great plus, both those on the sword and chest. Also Cyclone will be a good gem to corrupt. Anything else isn't really a must, but can have their use.

If by chance you are having problems with Cyclone when dealing with a single target, example Shaper, Uber Elder, which require a positioning. I suggest you use Double Strike, reason for this gem is the attack speed bonus it has.

Quick Summary of the build and use

Basically you'll be a hard to hit, spinning target xD Reason behind hard to hit, Pandemonius will help you with that most of the time, if by chance you are insecure you will use your 1st flask for the 97% evasion, the green nightmare will add more block chance on top of the one you already have, since you taken the breath of rime the target has high chances to freeze and stay frozen for more than normal, even if it doesn't freeze it will stay chilled which applies the blind from pandemonius. Since you don't miss any attacks because of Lycosiade, your targets will always be frozen and chilled and with 9 hits per second and a crit of 87% it will be impossible not to kill someone in a couple of seconds.

Leveling Guide

I will only talk about the skill tree mostly, since items aren't quite required early game although they would speed up your progress. I will probably suggest some at the end.

1. Gems you are gonna want to use:

- Freezing Pulse. Simply because you will use it anyway later on, and when act 4 you will get your 1st first snow, you can buy the other one for 1c which will give you an insane clear.

- Frost blades. High clear early game, although you will replace it later on.

- Hypothermia, ice bite, added cold damage are all great support gems to use early, although only hypothermia will be kept from these.

- Warlord's Mark with Blasphemy, once you hit the level required to use blasphemy i suggest you do so in combination with warlord's mark, this will give you an insane sustain.

- Herald of Ice, i don't think you need an explanation for this one. xD

- For movement i suggest using Flame dash so you pass through the map easily, for boss fights Frostblink is insane, you can avoid almost any hit as long as you are paying attention.

- Ice golem as soon as you get him, for increased critical chance.

2. Skill tree, and how you'd want to go.

Basically my skill tree at level 50 something, you will want to rush to the node in the bottom left corner, Sanctuary, for the protections, while also taking Doom Cast and Annihilation.
Take Blood Siphon as soon as you can, this will help you with your sustain, in case you get caught up by a pack of mobs, if you are having problems with mana sustain you can take Soul Siphon as well, although you will remove those points after reaching level 60.

3. Items that could ease your early game by a lot.

- Weapons: Brightbeak, Screaming Eagle, Lycosiade
- Armor: Wanderlust, Tabula Rasa, Ondar's Clasp, Goldrim
- Accessories: Araku Tiki, Kaom's Way, Carnage Heart, Perandus Blazon or Wurm's molt if you went frost blades, Kaom's Sign
Last edited by BlackReaper06 on Jun 14, 2019, 8:57:41 AM
Last bumped on Jul 22, 2019, 3:52:39 PM
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