1st try selfmade build ( Frost Blades CI Assassin ) need help pls

I play poe for a decent amount of time now and I thought it is time to try and make my own build.

But I have no expirience, especially with ES-builds.

So before I try this build and waste my time and currency on something that dosen't work I really would apriciate if someone could look over it and tell me some suggestions or what to change.

I want this build to do all Content (at least red elder and Shaper [uber elder is not necessary but would be nice])

The only thing I know is that you can't start with an ES build so leveling and getting into maps I would do with this build before respecing:

My Build ( Frost Blade CI, Assassin):

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/HYeLwL1t

So I have chosen the Helmet, weapons and a jewel.
The rest of the gear I would craft myself. The biggest problem is the chestarmor. Best inslot would be an vaalregalia but geting the red and green sockets on it is very difficult (maybe mastercraft green and red sockets on it and hope for vorici to whitesocket the rest blue ones)

I hope someone can help me to make this work. Also I would like to hear some suggetions abaout the chestarmour and maybe other gear. (but as I said I want to craft my othergear with fossils)

Last bumped on Jul 16, 2019, 6:37:28 PM

How do you do damage at all ?
With the 6-l FB setup some crit nodes and also the cold and elemental dmg nodes on tree.
First, the Assassin ascendancy is weak compared to others. It doesn't really do one thing very well. There's a reason less than 2% of players Lvl 95-100 play as Assassin and within that 2% -- less than 1% of them use Frost Blades.

2nd you cannot do enough damage fast enough with Frost Blades. Some people try it with Claws, but Claw passives aren't really in a good spot this go around in Legion. Some people do it with Crit Swords and do some solid damage -- but survival is still another matter. But if they do play with Frost Blades, its as Slayer or something other than Assassin.

3rd your options for defense are limited like you can Dodge/Evade, you can just take damage and out-leach it, you can try to avoid, etc. CI does a good job against chaos/poison but forces you into ES mechanics - which have some unique challenges for ES Regen. Or you play into MoM and EB, which is whole another ball game. And if you scatter your defensive across Armor, ES and Evasion -- that just weakens Shadow Assassin even more.

You will struggle against Syndicate, hard Yellow maps and Red Maps will be practically undo-able.

Last edited by Optio82 on Jul 16, 2019, 6:42:03 PM

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