First Time Asking For Input - Can't settle on my final tree.

Hey, wondering if I can get anyone who's really good at looking at build trees. Normally I don't have issues maximizing the effectiveness of my final tree when doing a build but this one really has me stumped. - is my final tree atm. Everything that is on me 24/7 etc is on and already clicked etc.

I'm trying to retain similar life but get a bit more damage out of the tree. Build does fine but it can be better, gear is pretty final right now as well.
I hate having to use pierce, originally I was using piercing shots in the tree but I thought perhaps saving a few points and using the support for clear and slower projectiles for bosses would be better. I still think using controlled destruction is best but I'm so fizzled I can't seem to make up my mind now.

Hair trigger is getting replaced, just haven't done it atm so you can ignore that jewel.

Last, after updating my tree my speed at throwing the traps feels a bit slower than I like and I really think I need to go back into Expeditious Munitions.

Again, I'm pretty frustrated trying to get my tree correctly working. This is my third time now redoing it and appears it's worse than my last tree lol.

Hope I didn't talk anyone's ear off, and hoping I can get someone that can really help me out or at least give me some useful info to get me back in the right direction.
Last bumped on Aug 20, 2019, 2:19:57 AM

Pathing you used was very inefficient.

I'm not sure why would you go Trickster over Saboteur in this case, other one is trapper/miner ascendancy, other one isnt :p I can see Trickster working if you were to utilize Ghost Shroud (for survivablity) + Harness the Void via conversion.

You are stacking Power Charges for some reason, they are usually worse than Frenzy Charges if you don't use certain items/skills that change that. Lightning Spire trap especially scales with cast speed (which you get from Frenzy).
Zedarzy wrote:

Pathing you used was very inefficient.

Yup I can agree, and that's why I was asking for help. Original tree was probably more efficient than the one I settled on.

I went trickster because I'm trying out a few things with different classes as a trapper. Trickster is more efficient at being a trapper than a trapper, better defenses, don't need a mana pot or need eldritch battery (only use a mana pot on no regen at times). Throw traps much faster - less time sitting in place to get hit. Can also build it depending on how you want, if I had went with different options and put in a tinkerskin on for example, I would be extremely tanky due to being able to instantly get around 2k life and 1k energy shield back a second from traps going off. I been able to tank shaper beams doing this before (pretty crazy)

Ya I'm not utilizing Ghost shroud to the fullest, couldn't get an ES helmet for starters but hey with a not optimal chest and the lame helmet can't imagine how much better it would feel once I got the optimal stuff on.

The power charges give me multiplier from the support gem I'm using (charged traps). The support gem isn't the best but since I'm using power/frenzy charges I get 36% trap throwing speed/24% more damage and 72% multiplier/240% crit chance and since I'm trickster I get 60% increased damage as well. Extremely easy to maintain the charges. I did a different variation of another trap in the past and slapped on slavedrivers hand and had some insane flamethrower traps.

So I checked out the tree and I like it, only thing I need to get a tiny bit more dex. That's why you saw me go towards that jewel slow out of the way in the shadow area but I'm sure I can get some dex from an item or something so no biggie.

Thanks a lot for your help in the tree, going to give it a whirl and come back later and let you know how it feels.
Loving the changes, made a few adjustments to my gear to get the dex and a bit more multiplier now. Thanks for your help!

Interesting stuff. I'd recommend taking look at the Vertex helm, it's usually quite cheap for what it does and it's exceptionally powerful on Trickster.

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