
Hi, I'm new. I don't know where new people go and post so if this is not the forum to just let me know.

I've started playing PoE about 2 weeks ago. I really love the game and when I ask questions on global chat everyone was really friendly and nice, until I responded to a question/remark whether girls play PoE.

So yes, I'm a girl.

All the comments that follow are just so...grrr. It's my first time playing a ARPG and I'm a little disheartened.

Last bumped on Nov 21, 2019, 3:22:25 PM
niftyfingers wrote:
Hi, I'm new. I don't know where new people go and post so if this is not the forum to just let me know.

I've started playing PoE about 2 weeks ago. I really love the game and when I ask questions on global chat everyone was really friendly and nice, until I responded to a question/remark whether girls play PoE.

So yes, I'm a girl.

All the comments that follow are just so...grrr. It's my first time playing a ARPG and I'm a little disheartened.

The more you insist you're a girl, the more people are going to mock, troll, and/or harass you. Real girls generally already know this and most avoid the drama by not getting it started in the first place. Now you know, too.

Welcome to online games.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
Yes, indeed. To avoid dramas better not say a thing.

I didn't insist during the convo. Just said one sentence and that was all. Muted global chat right after.
Maybe you didn't insist in global, but then you came here to reiterate that you're a girl. All you're really doing is asking for trouble lol. Most people don't even care if you're really a girl or not. I know I sure don't. But trolls are trolls either way...
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
I don't get it, do girls play PoE? Well yes, they obviously do.

What exactly is the fall-out beyond saying that the question in itself is stupid and most likely bait.

Like there are meme's around this topic like


etc...but beyond silly trolls i think its pretty much common knowledge that nobody actually cares about the sex of the person your playing with as long as your having fun?
It's a silly trope that only boys enjoy games, pretty much like the trope that only boys can be aggressive and girls all like pink.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
If you were in global 1 that was your first mistake. :P

Try global 2, it's a little more chill.
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.

Nice for you.

I´m a floating Breastplate with a Soul stuck inside, no meaty parts.
Shovelcut wrote:
If you were in global 1 that was your first mistake. :P

Try global 2, it's a little more chill.

What is this global 2 and how do you chat on this channel?? :O

Most people don't even care if you're really a girl or not. I know I sure don't. But trolls are trolls either way...

Yeah :P No shame in saying I'm a girl who loves playing games.

It's a silly trope that only boys enjoy games, pretty much like the trope that only boys can be aggressive and girls all like pink.

Totally agree. Before PoE, I was obsessed with Dota. I just play my game regardless of trolls -much easier after muted-. Anyway I'll just focus on my Scion Molten Strike build and reach Act 10 and PoE2.

niftyfingers wrote:
Shovelcut wrote:
If you were in global 1 that was your first mistake. :P

Try global 2, it's a little more chill.

What is this global 2 and how do you chat on this channel?? :O

Type "/global 2" in the chat window without the quotation marks.
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.

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