3.11 - Stress-Free PoE! RF HAPPY: No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End!
I've made some tweaks to this build for 3.14...
If you're bored with the league or looking to extend it somehow, I've posted 3 (4) extra builds. They aren't guides, so there aren't any explanations, they're just builds. But they are ideas that I've been dying to try in-game to see how they work. On paper, they seem legit. They are all designed to be very tanky. There's a Chieftain that uses Righteous Fire and has a focus on Endurance Charges (my old RF Chieftain), 2 Gladiator options (one uses General's Cry, the other is pure melee) that are max block builds focusing on counter-attack damage (they are my old Trigger Happy build), and a two-handed Champion with an insane amount of Armour that focuses on Herald of Purity and Summon Phantasms. Even though they aren't guides, if you give any of them a shot, I'd LOVE feedback on them. I don't have time to play them all but I'm really curious which ones people fall in love with and which people hate (and why). I have high expectations for all of them but you never know what Mr./Mrs. Gameplay will have to say about it. Hopefully, you're having a great 3.14 and if you give any of the newly posted builds a try, I'd love to know what you think! Hey Everyone! I wanted to thank everyone for playing the build. I hope it was enjoyable. I also wanted to thank everyone that posted. You were all so kind and edifying and you all make the PoE community better :). Thank you for making guide writing so rewarding! The 3.12 version of this guide has now been posted! The build has actually changed a bit. It's now an Elementalist instead of a Marauder (though you can easily keep the Maurader and use the same ascendancy nodes as 3.11). You can find the new version here. Thank you to everyone! You were all so kind and generous. You make the community a great place to have a hobby! Good luck in 3.12! I can't wait to play it! WELCOME to my RF HAPPY guide :)!
SHUT UP Wrecker! I JUST WANT TO PLAY! (3.11's guide in one picture)
My builds don't require any specific/fancy items or mods to play so you can just pick up and play like a good old fashion "dungeon crawler" (SSF). Pure RNG fun :). For those with similar limitations to mine, I can play this build on both PC and Console. (Thanks Tagz for always being willing to figure out the Wiki with me.)
Why My Builds Are the Way They Are
All of my builds revolve around my medical situation and my love of old school dungeon crawling (which in PoE Land we call Solo Self Found). So if you're curious about why I design my builds the way I do (the limitations I revolve around), I explain it all in my One Stop Shop. (I have multiple guides. So some information is easier to explain in one location rather than many.)
A Quick Note Players new to Path of Exile
Welcome! PoE is a really in-depth game. Its million different mechanics work together is so many countless combinations that there really are endless ways to play this game. If you love theory crafting (coming up with different combos of skills and seeing if it'll work out), there is no other game that compares to this one.
For new people trying to learn Path of Exile, it's my opinion that the most efficient way to learn the game is by doing things for yourself; trying things out in-game, reading nodes/mods/skills, and making choices for yourself. I understand that some people look to guides for help progressing in the game, while others are simply looking for a neat idea to try out. It is the intent of all my guides to give people a relaxing way to play PoE (no matter their experience with the game) while also helping new people understand what's going on. So, when it comes to my guides, it is my goal to help new players learn the game, but learn it in a way that you'll really grasp what's happening on your own. I give direction in my guides, but not many "step by step" directions. Nor do I tell you to do things in a certain order. I give lots of detail but it's to help explain and simplify the mechanics and concepts within the build and have you understand what's going on. My guides aren't intended to be the PoE wiki (but I provide many links to it, so don't worry). My guides are massive because they completely revolve around helping new players understand what's going on. Just be prepared to discover the game and make some choices for yourself :). I hope the guides help you have a relaxing PoE experience and also help you learn and love the game as well. Happy slaying! (I'll reference my One Stop Shop a few times in my guides. It has some Tips for New Players in there that you may find useful.)
Gem Links
PoE restricts which gems are available to each class until Act 3. Until then you can get some gems for free from quest rewards, purchase some from specific NPCs in each town, or find them as loot.
There are two NPC's that sell all purchasable gems: the first one is Siosa in the Library in Act 3 (you have to do his quest first (the Library is connected to The Imperial Gardens)), the second NPC is Lilly Roth in Act 6. *If I have a level next to a gem, stop levelling that gem at that level. For example: "Cast when Damage Taken (Level 1)". Don’t level Cast when Damage Taken past gem level 1. Otherwise, fully level all gems. 5/6 Link - Righteous Fire (Socket in Chest) Righteous Fire - Burning Damage Support - Concentrated Effect Support - Inspiration Support - Elemental Focus Support - Efficacy Support/Scorching Ray/Fire Trap
Righteous Fire and Support Details
Righteous Fire creates a AoE around you that burns enemies. But it also burns 90% of YOUR life per second. (Increasing the damage of RF does not change how much damage you take from RF. It'll always burn the same % of life from you no matter the links you link to it.) (This skill won't be able to be used right away. You'll need high Fire resists and life regen to sustain it. Follow the tree and you'll be sustaining it in no time. I personally don't wait until I can sustain it. I try running it as soon as I can somehow keep RF up. There's a section under "For New-ish Players" that can help you SUSTAIN RF as fast as possible.)
Concentrated Effect Support decreases RF's AoE by a good amount but greatly improves RF's damage. Inspiration Support's gem description sounds tricky. Here's how it work with this build: Inspiration Support gives us Inspiration Charges when we spend mana. How much mana? Any amount of mana. Once we've spent any amount of mana 5x you'll have the maximum amount of charges. These Charges last until we've spent a cap amount of mana, then we then lose them, only to gain them back right away. Now, RF doesn't spend any mana. Cyclone and Scorching Ray do though. Having Inspiration charges active will give the Inspiration Support perks to ALL skills that have Inspiration Support linked to it. So, channelling Cyclone or Scorching Ray (both of which has Inspiration Support linked to them) will increase the damage of RF...by a lot (because Inspiration Support is also linked to RF). 7% MORE elemental damage per charge. So, channel Cyclone or Scorching Ray to buff RF :). Elemental Focus Support greatly increases damage at the cost of not being able to put an ailment on an enemy. This seems like it would negate RF...but RF doesn't inflict an Ailment. It skips the ailment and jumps straight to the effect, burning. Typically, if you were to throw, let's say a Fireball, at an enemy, it would have a chance to Ignite (which requires a HIT). If the enemy Ignites, they start to burn. So if you had this support with Fireball, you'd never burn an enemy. You'd only hit them with fire damage. RF simply burns enemies. It doesn't have a chance to ignite (because it's Damage Over Time...it doesn't HIT). It skips the "chance to ignite" mechanic and just burns (damage over time). So this is a damage boost with no consequence. If you get a 6 link you have a few options. You could: --1. 6 link RF with Efficacy Support (which, just like Burning Damage, improves DOT damage) and only use RF with Cyclone. --2.put Scorching Ray as the 6th socket and essentially have two 5 links that benefit from the exact same supports. It even keeps the Inspiration Charges going! It'd be used in situations where you sacrifice defence for lots of offence. This is HUGE and easy damage investment-wise but it comes with 4 cons: ----a. Scorching Ray has to build up and therefore requires some standing around (so you can't use it whenever you want). ----b. Scorching Ray's Fire Exposure doesn't stack with Wave of Conviction's Fire Exposure. ----c. You won't proc Fortify cause you're not hitting with melee. ----d. You won't get Holy Relic's perks cause you're not hitting with melee. --3. Socket in Fire Trap. Fire Trap is a little clunky because we have no investment into trap throwing speed but it does allow you to do REALLY strong DOT AND Ignite damage to bosses as you avoid their attacks (which RF can't do from a distance). There isn't a wrong answer for your 6-link. Just choose what you like and have fun. Fire Trap will likely get left out (which is too bad cause it's really powerful) because it's a green socket). 4 Link - Defence (Socket in any 4 Link) Cast when Damage Taken Support Summon Stone Golem Immortal Call Summon Holy Relic
Defence Explained
All these skills are linked to CwDT so we never have to cast them. They all work perfectly in conjunction with other elements of the build. Ok, well, not Stone Golem...but that gives life regen...that's an obvious addition.
Immortal Call does us the favour (yup, that's right) of consuming up to 5 Endurance Charges when it triggers. It'll give us the obvious defence listed in the gem but it also synergizes well with our ascendancy node Valako. Now, Endurance Charges are really awesome for this build is many ways, but Valako gives us lots of bonus damage for 8 seconds when we lose an Endurance Charge. So Immortal Call will go off whenever it does and we'll just keep on gaining our Endurance Charges back up with Enduring Cry. Our charges will go up and down, up and down...and we'll be wonderfully buffed in both circumstances. Summon Holy Relic isn't as tricky but it meshes with Cyclone. When we Hit with Cyclone, the Relic gives us life regen! Yes please! (For this build, Gem order doesn't matter when linking spells to CwDT.) 4 Link - Buffs and Stuffs (Socket in any 4 Link) Cast when Damage Taken Support (Level 8) Purifying Flame (Level 15) Wave of Conviction (Level 12) - Combustion Support
Buffs and Stuffs Explained
I love CwDT :). This setup is going to conflict with Elemental Equilibrium on the Passive Tree. If we Hit with fire damage, our primary fire skills will do less damage. But all the awesome "RF helping" spells are wisely made Fire spells by GGG. So, we have a different link that's going to cast Lightning ALL the time. This link is designed to go off less often. The idea is that we still get the benefits of Elemental Equilibrium but also get the benefits from these fire skills.
We have Purifying Flame for the Consecrated Ground it puts on the...ground. (We have Puryifing Flame at level 15 because of how big the Consecrated Ground AoE is at this level.) Wave of Conviction gives us Fire Exposure (lowers enemies fire resist) without the need to stop and use Scorching Ray. Combustion helps the linked spells Ignite an enemy. When the linked spells ignite an enemy, this support gem increases the fire damage enemies take from our fire skills, like RF (it lowers the Fire Resists of enemies this skill hits). (For this build, Gem order doesn't matter when linking spells to CwDT.) 4 Link - Elemental Equilibrium and a Curse (Socket in any 4 Link) Cast when Damage Taken Support (Level 1) Ball Lightning (Level 4) - Curse on Hit Support - Any curse you want
Elemental Equilibrium and a Curse Explained
I love CwDT...did you know?
This whole link has 2 purposes. Most importantly it is the link that is designed to be constantly hitting enemies with lightning damage to that Elemental Equilibrium is always working in our favour (improving our Fire damage). But we're also using it to apply whatever curse you want. I'd suggest using Flammability. If you want to be even more tanky, than consider Enfeeble of Temporal Chains. I use Ball Lightning to apply all of the above because it has an awesome reach and it "pierces" everything. Use whatever non-fire spell you like if you don't like Ball Lightning. (For this build, Gem order doesn't matter when linking spells to CwDT.) 3 Sockets - Auras and Warcry (Socket in your weapon) Purity of Fire Malevolence Enduring_Cry
Auras and Warcry Explained
Purity of Fire Is our most important aura. This gives us Fire resistance! When coupled with Tasalio, Cleansing Water on the Ascendancy tree, it will give us all the Fire Resistance we need forever. It makes gearing so much easier. It also increases your Maximum Fire Resist. This is the most important part of using RF. Normally your Maximum Fire Resist would cap at 75%. This skill at level 20 will increase that max to 79%. That doesn't seem like much, but it's actually very substantial damage mitigation for both RF and receiving fire damage. (We'll end up with 81% max fire resist without items. There's are two nodes on the tree that gives us the extra max %.)
Enduring Cry is the "other" skill to Immortal Call. We'll be hitting Enduring Cry as often we want which will give us our Endurance Charges. We get tons of great offensive and defensive perks from Endurance Charges. But thanks to Immortal Call and Valako (ascendancy) we get a lot of offensive and defensive perks from losing our charges as well! We made it complicated for fun! I really wanted the Call To Arms keystone on the tree. It's only two nodes away but I wasn't willing to drop down to 180% life on the tree for it. It'd be really strong to have though. If you decided to opt for it, it'll let you cast your warcry without interrupting Cyclone Scorching Ray's channelling! 3 Link - More Defence and Damage (Socket in your shield) Cyclone (Level 1) - Inspiration Support - Fortify Support
More Defence and Damage Explained
So the idea is that we just hold down Cyclone all the time. Holding Cyclone gives us the Inspiration Charges that increase RF's damage as I explained in the RF section. Cyclone also gives us two perks when it Hits an enemy. It'll give us Fortify and also give us lots of life regen from our Holy Relic. Pretty sweet for just holding down a 3 link Cyclone.
Cyclone is level 1 because there's no reason to level it higher for this build. There's no improvement for us and so there's no need to go chasing the Dex. or worry about it. ***Note: If a skill has two triggers attempting to cast it, the skill will become inactive. Skills can only have one active trigger. So, for the link that has CwDT, CoH, and a curse, both the CoH and the curse will have to be outside the CwDT's requirement threshold (trigger range). So you'll only start seeing your curse applied once those gems require a character level of 39 or more.
This is my setup if you're interested. I play the same as the guide unless I'm testing something out.
USE ANYTHING YOU WANT! - I like having a shield and one-handed weapon instead of a staff. It's just a preference; no right or wrong there. If you’re new to PoE, check out my One Stop Shop. It gives lots of help and tips on gear, mods, currency, levelling, and endgame mapping. Some good to know stuff that you'd hate not knowing. - Weapon - Anything you like. - Shield, a Second Weapon, or a Staff- Anything you like. - Head - Anything you like. - Chest - Anything you like. - Hands - Anything you like. - Feet - Anything you like. - Amulet - Anything you like. - Ring - Anything you like. - Ring - Anything you like. - Belt - Anything you like. - Jewel - Anything you like. - Flasks - Anything you like. I simply use 4 health flasks (that remove bleed) and a Quartz Flask that removes Chill/Freeze. ***Now don't go being a Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins and think that because this build doesn't require anything specific that you can go and melt end game content with crap gear. Crap gear will clear crap content while amazing gear will clear amazing content. My build/guide style just allows you more freedom to get there...m'kay? Remember that RF also scales its damage from Energy Shield. So the more energy shield we have the more damage RF does! You may be surprised how much damage is increased by some "ok" ES rolls even though we don't boost ES on the tree. BUT REMEMBER Life is still your life pool. So ALWAYS prioritize good life rolls first. (Your ES will always be burned away.)
My Dream Mods
Here's an example of some of the mods and gear I'd eventually aim for. Since this is Path of Exile, there are obviously a million different combos of mods that would work for any build. So don't think that this is the best or only combo of mods to aim for. This is just my preference for "non-fancy" gear as an example of what I'd aim for Endgame. So these aren't influenced, Delve specific, Essence mods, or anything. Just easy crafting or normal rolls. So obviously you can maximize this even more. Also, these are unrealistic goals as all these mods are tier 1 rolls. (The # at the beginning of each mod is the item level that T1 mod starts rolling at. The # at the beginning of each item is the map level that base-type starts dropping at.) Anyway, here you go:
(68) Void Sceptre(s): Implicit: 40% increased Elemental Damage Prefix: - (78) - +(34–38)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier (Drops) - (84) - (100–109)% increased Fire Damage - (2) - +1 to Level of all Fire Spell Skill Gems (Drops) Suffix: - (82) - +(16–18)% to Damage over Time Multiplier - (76) - (27–30)% increased Fire Damage (Drops) - (60) - (26–30)% increased Burning Damage (64) Ezomyte Tower Shield: Implicit: +(30-40) to maximum Life Prefix: - (73) - +(100–109) to maximum Life - (62) - +(43–95) to Armour/+(29–33) to maximum Life - ? Suffix: - (83) - Regenerate (16–20) Life per second - (81) - Regenerate (1–1.1)% of Life per second - (81) - +(31–35)% to Chaos Resistance or (84) +(46–48)% to Fire/Cold/Lightning Resistance (69) Hubris Circlet: Prefix: - (64) - +(90–99) to maximum Life - (62) - +(16–25) to maximum Energy Shield/+(29–33) to maximum Life - (75) - (56–74)% increased Energy Shield Suffix: - (83) - Regenerate (16–20) Life per second - (84) - +(46–48)% to Fire/Cold/Lightning Resistance - (81) - +(31–35)% to Chaos Resistance Chest: (the highest Energy Shield you can get based on your Int.) Prefix: - (86) - +(120–129) to maximum Life - (78) - +(26–30) to maximum Energy Shield/+(34–38) to maximum Life - (86) - (101–110)% increased Energy Shield Suffix: - (86) - Regenerate (20–25) Life per second - (84) - +(46–48)% to Fire/Cold/Lightning Resistance - (81) - +(31–35)% to Chaos Resistance (70) Fingerless Silk Gloves (Only drops in the Valdo's Rest region): Implicit: (12-16)% increased Spell Damage (Only benefits Scorching Ray) Prefix: - (54) - +(80–89) to maximum Life - (46) - +(11–15) to maximum Energy Shield/+(24–28) to maximum Life - (84) - (92–100)% increased Energy Shield Suffix: - (83) - Regenerate (16–20) Life per second - (84) - +(46–48)% to Fire/Cold/Lightning Resistance - (81) - +(31–35)% to Chaos Resistance (67) Sorcerer Boots: Prefix: - (54) - +(80–89) to maximum Life - (46) - +(11–15) to maximum Energy Shield +(24–28) to maximum Life - (81) - (18–20)% increased Movement Speed/Cannot be Chilled - (via Jun/Crafting Bench) Suffix: - (83) - Regenerate (16–20) Life per second - (84) - +(46–48)% to Fire/Cold/Lightning Resistance - (81) - +(31–35)% to Chaos Resistance (74) Marble Amulet (Only drops in the Haewark Hamlet region): Implicit: Regenerate (1.2-1.6)% of Life per second Prefix: - (54) - +(80–89) to maximum Life - (81) - (14–16)% increased Area Damage/(10–12)% increased Area of Effect - (81) - +(36–40) to maximum Life/Regenerate 4 Mana per second Suffix: - (85) - +(33–35) to all Attributes - (83) - Regenerate (16–20) Life per second - (64) - (23–26)% increased Fire Damage (80) Vermillion Rings (Only drops in the Lex Proxima and New Vastir regions): Implicit: (5-7)% increased maximum Life Prefix: - (44) - +(70–79) to maximum Life - (81) - +(36–40) to maximum Life/Regenerate 4 Mana per second - Something Cool :) Suffix: - (84) - +(46–48)% to Fire/Cold/Lightning Resistance - (81) - +(31–35)% to Chaos Resistance - (83) - Regenerate (16–20) Life per second or (50) - (18–22)% increased Fire Damage (8) Leather Belt: Implicit: +(25-40) to maximum Life Prefix: - (64) - +(90–99) to maximum Life - (81) - +(36–40) to maximum Life/Regenerate 4 Mana per second - ? Suffix: - (83) - Regenerate (16–20) Life per second - (84) - +(46–48)% to Fire/Cold/Lightning Resistance - (81) - +(31–35)% to Chaos Resistance Flasks: (60) Divine Life Flask or (65) Eternal Life Flask: Prefix: - (2) - +(10–20) to Maximum Charges Suffix: - (8) - Immunity to Bleeding during Flask effect/Removes Bleeding on use (27) Quartz Flasks: Implicit: Phasing/10% chance to Dodge Attack Hits/10% chance to Dodge Spell Hits Prefix: - (2) - +(10–20) to Maximum Charges Suffix: - (4) - Immunity to Freeze and Chill during Flask effect/Removes Freeze and Chill on use Weapon Mods: RF benefits from: **Damage Over Time Multiplier (the most powerful mod for DOTs. Don't be without it!)** - Increased Elemental Damage - Increased Fire Damage - Increases to Damage - Increases to Area Damage - Burning Damage - Damage Over Time - "More" of any of the above. In PoE, the term "More" is much stronger than "Increased". So choose "More" over "Increased" when you can. RF does NOT benefit from: - Increased Spell Damage (this does improve your other spells though) - Adding Fire Damage to Spells (only applies to spells that Hit) - Fire (or Elemental) Penetration (only applies to Hits) **A mod that "Adds Fire Damage" without specifying Spells only applies to Attacks. Your goal on the rest of your gear is: - Maximum life - Cold and Lightning Resists (you can ignore Fire Resist) - Increasing Maximum Fire Resist - Movement Speed (Typically on Boots) - Life Regen (Either a flat # or %) - Ensuring you have high enough attributes for your skills. - (Any Energy Shield you get on your gear won't help defensively (it'll burn away) but it's bonus damage for RF. It's not important, just a perk if it's there.) - Any suggested mod you want on your weapon(s) would be welcome on gear too. ***Because we select Elemental Equilibrium on the tree, be sure to never "add" fire damage to your Attacks or Spells. Otherwise, EE will always work against us. Filters: - I make my own filters AND YOU ARE REQUIRED TO LOVE THEM! Just kidding...but they are awesome. They will make looting a MUCH more relaxing experience. They only filter gear. So if you don't want to miss out on ANY currency these are perfect for you. One filter is guide specific (it only displays gear relevant to all my guides) and the other is a global filter for any build. There are four tiers of strictness per filter. Details for each tier of each filter are within the filters themselves. Both the "Guide Specific" and the "Everyone" filters are available on all platforms. If you click "Follow" next to the filter that you want, it'll automatically load to your filter list in-game when you login! And it automatically updates upon each login as well!
Passive Tree
Here's 3.11's Passive Tree:
![]() - 3.11's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/dKdxHrr2 - This Pastebin will only work in the Community Fork version of PoB. (Copy the link, open Path of Building, click on “New”, then click “Import/Export Build”, click “Import from Pastebin…”, paste the link.) - 3.11's Passive Tree on PoE's website.
As you go through the game you'll come across Trials of Ascendancy. Starting in Act 3 you'll see their value. Once you have completed all 6 of the first set of trails, you'll get to attempt your first Labyrinth (lab). Good luck! Upon completion Choose Chieftain. You get two ascendancy points per lab. There are four labs for a total of 8 points. (Redoing the same lab will not reward you with more ascendancy points if you've already completed it.)
You can spend your points in any order you like. This is my personal order: - 1st Two Points - Tasalio, Cleansing Water. A busy node. You get life regen. You get lots more life regen if you've been hit by physical or fire damage from an enemy (not your RF). You can get ignited, but the ignite damage won't harm you (it does not affect how RF burns you). You gain 100% to your fire resist. (This is additive. You'll need 135% minimum for end game and Purity of Fire will take care of the rest :).) (This node is essential for running RF as early as possible without needing any items.) - 2nd Two Points - Valako, Storm's Embrace. Gives bonus life regen per Endurance Charge, increases our Maximum Endurance Charge limit by 1, and gives a big damage boost if we lose an Endurance Charge. - 3rd Two Points - Ramako, Sun's Light. It gives lots of damage to our DOT skills. Ignite and Penetration only applies to Hits...so they are pointless for us with RF. - 4th Two Points - Hinekora, Death's Fury. The Life Leech again only applies to hits. And we have nothing that hits hard. But covering an enemy in Ash can be done by any hit...and we hit lots. Enemies covered in ash take increased fire damage from all fire sources :).
Delirium Clusters
I have provided one jewel socket on the outside of the Passive Tree for the sake of Cluster Jewels. In SSF Land you don't know what's going to drop. So the tree is made so that you can clear the Atlas no matter the jewels that drop. You can, therefore, choose which nodes from the provided tree to cut based on what drops. If fire damage drops in a jewel, you can remove it from the main tree. If Max Life drops, then you can remove that from the tree...and so forth. If you're in a trade league, you'll likely know what you're looking for and should have a plan of what to cut from the provided tree as part of your plan while purchasing.
You'll start as a Marauder. We start as a Marauder because there is only one subclass in the game that greatly increases our natural life regen. That's the Chieftain subclass (ascendancy). And to get there, you must start as a Marauder. The Chieftain also had some very compatible nodes for easy caps to fire resist (for RF) and Endurance Charges for defence (and more regen). Levelling Path: This build really benefits from every node we'll select on the tree. I suggest taking every node as it comes up, not really skipping anything. If I was to level this build again, I'd start south and then get every node/section as you cross it, heading north. The Passive Tree I have for you takes you to level 91. That'll be easy to get to. I'll let you choose what to pick after that. There were many great nodes (life regen, max life, damage) that I had a really hard time excluding. Pick whatever you like! Have fun! Tree Focuses: - Life Regen - The more the merrier. We want lots to sustain RF. It's awesome to see your life move up so fast without flask help. - Maximum Life - Besides the obvious factor of "the more you have, the better...", the more life you have also improves the damage of RF. - Endurance Charges - The tree gives us nodes that let us increase our maximum endurance charges from 3 to 7 :). It also gives us life regen per charge, increased AoE, and damage. - Damage - Yup, damage :). My primary focus was RF. I didn't ignore Incinerate, but RF was the focus. - Jewels - Jewel slots are amazing. Jewels are items you can find that you can actually allocate on your tree. They can give almost anything from health, damage, resists...anything. We will only have 1 jewel slot selected :(. What's really neat is you can swap jewels in and out of your passive tree anytime. As great as jewels are, I find managing them and remembering what I have exhausting. So I typically only have one jewel slot per character. Don't forget about attributes. The tree almost provides all the attributes we need for our skills. You'll pass some nodes on the tree that give +30 Attributes. If you don't have items to cover what you're short in, feel free to select some of these as you pass them. You'll get respec points that will let you remove them later once you have better gear. Now, feel free to modify this is anyway. This is just my preference for easy Solo Self Found. Take your time to look at each skill as they come along. Some of the nodes are pretty dramatic. Some quests earn you respec points in case you regret any decisions you made on the tree. You can also use Orbs of Regret for the same thing.
Major God:
- Soul of Arakaali - It's only for the first perk. The 5% reduced Damage taken from Damage Over Time means we take less damage from RF. Minor God: - Anything you want.
With the Bandits in Act 2, I kill them all for the extra 2 skill points. You, of course, do what you like.
You'll get most of the attributes that you require to use your gems from the tree. You'll need a little bit of Dexterity.
You'll Be Short: Strength: 0 Dexterity: 24 Intelligence: 0 Needing 24 Dex. is nothing. It'll be easy to make up the difference (though, 20 of our 44 Dex comes in the second half of the suggested tree). Amulets are an easy way to help attribute troubles early on while levelling. Though we don't need any Intelligence, it'll typically come late in the tree. So don't pass by Int. mods apathetically. From the Tree You'll Get: Strength: 365 Dexterity: 44 Intelligence: 164 Your Gems Need: Strength: 155 Dexterity: 68 Intelligence: 111
Gameplay (How the Build Functions When It's All Setup)
Once setup, this build is really easy to play.
Quick Version: Walk/spin your way through enemies to burn them. That's it. Everything else is automatic! The Detailed Version: After you turn on your auras you just go. Start moving with Cyclone. Whenever the long cooldown of Enduring Cry is ready to use, or whenever you notice it, hit the button. That's our primary source of gaining Endurance Charges. Immortal Call will get rid of all your hard-earned charges but that's a good thing. As mentioned above, we'll be constantly gaining and losing Endurance charges which gives us big offensive and defensive perks in both scenarios. So besides Cyclone and Enduring Cry, you may (or may not) occasionally use Fire Trap or Scorching Ray instead of Cyclone for some big damage. As mentioned, you'll be sacrificing Fortify and Holy Relic's life regen when doing this so just pay special attention when you're standing stationary. But consider Stationary perks if you do use Scorching Ray a lot. But really, every other skill is automatic. Their synergy may be pretty intertwined and hard to remember but it's pretty brainless to use. Just Cyclone everywhere ;). Here's what Endurance Charges do for us when we have them: Endurance Charges are the focus of this build. Why? Just cause I like charges and I think it's neat to revolve around them. Here is what we get from Endurance Charges (and "per" charge too): - increased global damage - life regen - increased AOE - Physical Damage Reduction - Elemental Resistances We'll have 7 Endurance Charges. So that's pretty cool :). Also, you should read Immortal Call and see what we get (on top of Valako's node) when we lose Endurance Charges! Elemental Overload (EO): - This is a Passive Tree node procs (turns on) when we hit with a Critical Strike. We don't focus on Crit's at all in this build but with all the skills that we have that Hit, it isn't an issue. Every skill we have has a chance to Crit except for RF. Every "tick" while Channelling Cyclone has a chance to Crit as well. Only our Golem 's crits don't count towards OE. You'll find that EO is almost always on. Our spells are constantly getting cast. If it's not, it's because we're barely getting touched and we don't need it on anyway. Exposure vs. Lowering Resists Enemies can have their resists lowered in a few different ways. They all stack together. So if Spell A and Spell B both lowered an enemy resistance by 10, the enemy would be -20 to that resist. Exposure stacks with other sources of lowering resists, but it doesn't stack with itself. So if two skills that apply Exposure of the same element are applied to the same enemy, they won't stack. Only the strongest will be applied. See? Easy. Just spin, snack, and burn.
Media (Videos/Filters/Tools/Links/Social Media)
- Here's 3.11's Gameplay Example video. - My RF HAPPY playlist shows my most recent sessions with the build. - My broadcast channel. Twitch keeps the last 14 days worth of broadcasts. I don't always play awake, but I'd rather play than not :). Filters: - I make my own filters AND YOU ARE REQUIRED TO LOVE THEM! Just kidding...but they are awesome. They will make looting a MUCH more relaxing experience. They only filter gear. So if you don't want to miss out on ANY currency these are perfect for you. One filter is guide specific (it only displays gear relevant to all my guides) and the other is a global filter for any build. There are four tiers of strictness per filter. Details for each tier of each filter are within the filters themselves. Both the "Guide Specific" and the "Everyone" filters are available on all platforms. If you click "Follow" next to the filter that you want, it'll automatically load to your filter list in-game when you login! And it automatically updates upon each login as well! Social: - Forever Exiled - A Path of Exile Podcast is a PoE podcast hosted by both Tagz and myself. We talk about everything Path of Exile...and only PoE. If you're looking for a podcast run by casual gamers but lovers of PoE, feel free to check it out! - My Twitter. I only use my twitter account to give updates on PoE stuff like my guides and filters. I don't use Twitter for anything personal. So if you want updates about when guides are done or filter corrections have been updated, feel free to follow. Software: - PoEMate - My primary build planning tool. It's mobile. (If the link doesn't work in your area, just search PoEMate in your mobile store. Hopefully it's available in your region. Every league it's updated faster than any other tool I use.) - FORK Path of Building - Another planner I use. - Yolo Mouse - If you have a hard time keeping track of your mouse during gameplay, try this out. I use it for all my PC games and I'd die 100x more in PoE if it wasn't for this little program. Build Links: - 3.11's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/dKdxHrr2 - This Pastebin will only work in the Community Fork version of PoB. (Copy the link, open Path of Building, click on “New”, then click “Import/Export Build”, click “Import from Pastebin…”, paste the link.) - 3.11's Passive Tree on PoE's website. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on May 8, 2021, 2:38:51 AM Last bumped on May 16, 2021, 3:38:11 PM
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SHUT UP Wrecker! I JUST WANT TO PLAY! (3.10's guide in one picture)
1. The first is a player that knows the game well enough that, no matter the guide/build, they have no need for direction. 2. The second is a player that wants to be able to level like the person I just mentioned. Though newer PoE players may find PoE daunting, I feel the most efficient way to learn PoE is to make decisions for yourself. I think you'll be surprised how quickly you catch on to each mechanic you start playing with. So this section won't be about holding your hand and giving you a step by step process. It'll guide and encourage you to choose between the pros and cons your character will constantly face...while levelling and selecting gear. I know, I know, you hate me. But maybe you'll thank me later? Maybe? (Remember, I have some tips for new players in my One Stop Shop that'll help in the overall PoE experience that any levelling process will benefit from. Below are tips for levelling this character, not general levelling tips.)
Where to Get All the Gems You'll Need
There are two NPCs that sell all purchasable gems: the first one is Siosa in the Library in Act 3 (you have to do his quest first (the Library is connected to The Imperial Gardens)), the second NPC is Lilly Roth in Act 6 (Do her quest in Act 6).
Act 1 - The Caged Brute - Purchase - Level 10 - Enduring Cry Act 1 - The Caged Brute - Purchase - Level 8 - Combustion Support Act 2 - The Root of the Problem - Purchase - Level 16 - Righteous Fire (until you get the Vaal version) Act 3 - Lost in Love - Purchase - Level 24 - Flammability Act 3 - Lost in Love - Purchase - Level 24 - Purity of Fire Act 3 - Sever the Right Hand - Reward - Level 28 - Cyclone Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Reward - Level 31 - Fortify Support Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 1 - Purifying Flame Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 4 - Summon Holy Relic Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 12 - Scorching Ray Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 16 - Wave of Conviction Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 18 - Concentrated Effect Support Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 18 - Elemental Focus Support Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 24 - Malevolence Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 28 - Ball Lightning Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 31 - Burning Damage Support Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 31 - Efficacy Support Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 31 - Inspiration Support x2 Act 4 - Breaking the Seal - Reward - Level 34 - Summon Stone Golem Act 4 - Breaking the Seal - Reward - Level 34 - Immortal Call Act 4 - The Eternal Nightmare - Purchase - Level 38 - Curse on Hit Support Act 4 - The Eternal Nightmare - Purchase - Level 38 - Cast when Damage Taken Support x3 (Let me know if you see any errors in the list.) - I suggest doing every quest in the game. It doesn't take too much longer and you'll get some nice bonus gear to help the SSF process. For those that just want to rush to the Endgame, here's a link to all the quests that give Passive Points as a reward. You don't want to miss those. Bandits - With the Bandits in Act 2, I kill them all for the extra 2 skill points. You, of course, do what you like. The Lord's Labyrinth - Here's a list of all the lab trials for the first three labyrinths (the trials for the fourth lab are found randomly in endgame maps). How to Level the Build You Can't Sustain RF Right Away - As mentioned, everyone has a different way that they prefer to level. Righteous Fire builds are really tricky to level on paper. It's not that difficult when you're actually in-game, but you will still need to be patient. You can get the RF gem at level 16, but even with all the perfect uniques, you won't be able to sustain the skill. If you're playing SSF, you likely won't be able to sustain RF until you're around a character level in the mid-'50s at the earliest. Here's the Part That's Tricky - Because I design my builds for SSF and not requiring any specific gear or mods, I focused heavily on Maximum Life and Life Regen (and of course fire damage). And since we'll only be using spells later on, there is no investment in the tree for Physical or Attack Damage. Nor is there any investment into accuracy. So the higher the level we get, the less accurate our melee attacks will be. - The Chieftain, as it stands, gets a lot of melee (attack) skills through quest rewards (and purchase) and not many spells. Spells would be perfect because spells always Hit and would better suit a passive tree that scales with fire and has no accuracy investment. What Skills Should You Use Until RF Can Be Sustained? - Spells would be perfect because spells don't require accuracy. Instead, they cost tons of mana. But mana is an easier obstacle to overcome than accuracy since it's easy to use mana flasks. Holy Flame Totem, Fireball, and Firestorm are spells that can be earned naturally really early. They suit the build well. Spell Totem is also naturally earned and may be more to your liking linked to the spells above. - Molten Strike and Infernal Blow are two fire-based Attacks available in the first act that requires melee (of course) but won't be useless to us if melee is your preference. You could also pick any melee skill and just add Added Fire Damage to it too. So AoE's like Ground Slam or Sunder would do great too. For me, if I was going melee, I'd prefer AoE attacks to single target hits. The Long Road - When you saw that RF looks like an aura that magically kills people you looked for a catch. You saw the consequence; the easy endgame comes at the cost of the skill eating your life away...fast. That's not that big of a deal...but getting there takes time. So levelling with skills that don't exactly match our build will require patience. Levelling an RF build isn't as quick as other builds. Be patient, you know the reward is coming. Like I said, without gear, you should be able to sustain RF around the mid-'50's. Passive Tree - You can select whatever path you want in the passive tree provided. I suggest starting as far South as possible and working your way north, without skipping any nodes. The reason I suggest not skipping nodes is that you'll need a good balance of life, life regen, and damage. Skipping nodes to focus on only one aspect of the build will leave you vulnerable in another. - In terms of which Ascendancy to go for first, the choice is up to you. If you go for Tasalio, you gain 100% to your fire resist. That coupled with Purity of Fire and you can permanently ignore fire resist mods on items. But Valako is what gives us the most life regen. I based this build around Endurance Charges. So LOTS of our life regen comes from Endurance Charges. Which of these two Ascendanies you first/second is up to you. Do you want to worry about fire resist on gear while you level or not? Tough call. (You'll make the wrong choice, don't worry ;).) How To Sustain RF as Early as Possible - Select all the nodes on the Passive Tree as they come. Get all the South nodes first, then work your way up. Don't skip any. (The Life Regen per Endurance Charge nodes are the MOST important.) - Equip and start levelling your Stone Golem as soon as it's available. - Equip and start levelling your Purity of Fire as soon as it's available. - Fight on Consecrated Ground (Holy Flame Totem, Purifying Flame, Consecrated Path, Sulphur Flask). - By the time you kill Arakaali (the Spider Boss in Act 7) you can select the Pantheon option that unlocks (Soul of Arakaali). Have that and the minor God, Soul of Abberath selected. - Do the first 3 suggested Ascendancies. - Keep those Endurance charges up :). (Enduring Cry is awesome for this.) - The Vitality aura and a Ruby Flask don't hurt either. Sooooo, goooood luuuuuck. RF is totally worth it. Just don't have any money on the line if you're racing your friends to endgame. ;)
Endgame Mods to Avoid
At the end of the game, the levels (maps) you try and clear will have random modifiers (mods) allocated to them. There are A LOT of mods that can go on a map.
There are a couple map mods we can't run: No Mana and Life Regen and negatives to maximum resists. We need Life Regen for RF and having increased max fire resist is a must. But that's it! Just the two! Some mods will be inconvenient, but they won't be impossible to run: - Slower mana and life regen also make life rough for RF but it's not impossible. (I still avoid it.) - Elemental Reflect will hurt a bit because of our CwDT spells. You'll learn your personal preferences over time, but only No Mana and Life Regen and negative to resists should be avoided.
My Filters
Oh my goodness! A link! You should click on it. Definitely. WOW! Look at all those pretty green FOLLOW buttons. You should press them all ;).
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Wrecker_of_Days/item-filters I LOVE FILTERS! So, I make my own filters! THEY ARE AMAZING ;). For me, making filters is just as fun as playing Path of Exile. If you're looking to cut down on the amount of garbage on your screen but don't actually want to miss anything, my filters are right up your alley. They only filter equippable items. Everything else will show. I've made two types of filters: 1 - A filter that only shows gear relevant to my guides. 2 - A filter for everyone that's relevant for all builds. Each of the above filters has 4 tiers of strictness you'll want to Follow: 1. Starting Off (Used for levelling until you're mapping comfortably.) 2. Tops-84s-Fancies-Atlas (Used when you are only looking for the top bases of each class.) 3. 84s-Fancies-Atlas (Used when you only care about gear item level 84+.) 4. Fancies-Atlas (Used when you only want Fancy gear like Atlas Drops, Influenced gear, etc.) The descriptions of each are on the filter page, with all the details you want, explained within. (Because I have two filters (2), each with four tiers(2*4=8), posted for all 3 platforms (2*4*3=24), my filter list is quite large. So just be sure you're Following the filters you want for the platform you want. It's easy to mix it up with a list that large.) Please let me know if you have any feedback or see any errors you may find within the filters...otherwise, I hope they enhance your PoE experience! If my filters interest you, once you've clicked on the provided link, click "Follow" next to the filter(s) that you want. It'll automatically load to your filter list in-game when you login AND it automatically updates upon each login as well!
Forever Exiled - A Path of Exile Podcast
If you're looking for a Podcast that's 100% Path of Exile, my buddy Tagz and I have exactly that! A podcast that is 100% about Path of Exile! We put out an episode once a week and talk about all things Path of Exile 100% of the time. Tagz started playing Path of Exile 100% of the time in Beta (April 2012) and I started playing Path of Exile 100% of the time in 2014. We play Path of Exile completely different, 100%. (His ways suck 100%, mine don't...100%. (In other words, he crushes Path of Exile 100% and I hate him for it...100% true.)) If you check out the podcast, let us know what you think. We've grown like crazy! 100% Serious. It's insane. So the more feedback we get the better. Thanks 100% for the listens! ![]() Replies: Feel free to respond to other players' posts! The more that's out there, the more we learn. Please be kind, respectful, and theoretical (not a Know-It-All) when helping others out. I will happily respond to questions but please note that I have multiple guides and I'd like to respond to each equally. I’ll do my best to get back to you as quickly as possible but set your expectations that I'll respond to each guide once a week. (Too much time responding to guides makes an unhappy spouse...an unhappy spouse means less time for guide replies...less time for guide replies makes an unhappy me...Unhappy spouse + unhappy me = an epic hockey fight with sweet uppercuts which I would obviously lose...a lost hockey fight against my spouse = busted hands that I can't type with, no teeth to voice type with, and black eyes that I can't read with. So one build a day, m'kay? K.) Here's a list of my OTHER GUIDES if you're interested :). OH! Don't forget, to support GGG by buying a skin for all your favourite skills you use. They last forever, you look rad, and it keeps PoE going too :). Double OH! I make a new thread every league for every guide I do. So all the comments, questions, and answers you read are all relevant for this current expansion. (At the end of a league I post links in the previous guide to guide players to the newest rendition of the build.) Tripple Oh! Please let me know if you see any errors. I'll fix them as soon as possible!
Change Log (for Returning Players)
I went through 1000 variations of this build this league. I spent so many Regrets trying out so many different ideas. The two closest ideas were having RF in a 4 link (helmet) and then the chest having either Cyclone-CwC-Firstorm or instead of Firestorm, Desecrate and Volatile Dead.
BUT, even before the 3.11 changes were announced, I decided to stick with RF as the 5/6 link and I'd bring it's damage up by getting Ash from the ascendancy. That meant no more endurance charges :(...UNTIL THE PATCH NOTES CAME OUT! - So I've brought back Cyclone, Fortify, and Summon Holy Relic. - I've added the New Enduring Cry as our main method of gain charges - And I've added Immortal Call to intentionally lose the charges. - So the biggest change is that we'll be dipping up and down with our charge count for huge perks on both sides of the coin. - Hopefully, we don't get stunned too much with Cyclone. If we do, I either keep the exact same build for 3.12 but use Charged Dash instead...or RF goes back in the Helmet and we just manually cast Firestorm with Inc. Duration, Spell Echo, Consecrated Effect, and other things. I hope you like this new version. It's fricken beefy.
Build History
3.10 - 3.10|Stress-Free PoE| ENDURING FIRE (RF) |Use Any Items U Want|1 Button Play|Easily Customizable SSF
3.9 - 3.9|Stress-Free PoE- ENDURING FIRE (RF) |SSF the Atlas w/ 1Button & Any Gear|Dungeon Crawl PoE! 3.8 - 3.8| Stress Free PoE - HOLY RF |Clear the Atlas with YOUR Items at YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op) 3.7 - Stress Free PoE| HOLY RIGHTEOUS FIRE |Use ANY Items|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas [3.7] 3.6 - Stress Free PoE| HOLY RIGHTEOUS FIRE |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas[3.6] 3.5 - Righteous Fire/BV! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxing Play|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5] https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Jun 27, 2020, 5:22:22 PM
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https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Yes! This makes me happy! Good to see that it's still viable. Cyclone addition looks good!
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never played a chieftan before, looking forward to trying it out this league. thanks for the guide ^^
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I'm pretty excited to try this out as my league starter (gonna try new fireball till I can sustain).
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Love youre podcast i hear it every week.
I am gonna try and league start whit you build here. I love RF and have yet to try Chieftain. Keep up the good work, and just a heads up, I might gonna ask alot og questions xD Have a great league start Wrecker_of_Days xD |
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Sweet! Going to be my first League ever, and going to start with this build, so wishing us all luck! I'm gonna have to put on my big-boy pants and learn how to play for real since I won't have a trunk load of uniques to borrow from other characters this time!
Anyone else getting a "Unknown Passive Tree Version" error when trying to load the 3.11 PasteBin into PoB ? I just downloaded PoB today from Github and got the error message. Thanks in advance, Wrecker_of_Days, for everything, and good luck to y'all Harvesting! :D |
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" Not for me, are you using path of building community? https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/releases |
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something wrong in my setup...can u take a look on my chief? cant have my endurance charge to 9 all the time and something stop my RF......i miss something i think
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