Need thoughts on this Flicker Strike build

So I am thinking of going flicker strike for the new league but I have some concerns with the build I am working on.

Here is the build

It contains 2 trees one at level 67 and one final same for the items sets.

What I am worried about is survivability and if using EE will be practical for this build.

Right now I am intending this to be a league starter with little to no investment to get right into the league with fairly fast clear time and early to mid level mapping for currency farm.
Last bumped on Jan 5, 2021, 4:35:46 AM
1: EE does not work how you're thinking it will for your build. You are doing only fire damage and you aren't randomly changing to another element every hit. By this logic, you are actively giving your enemies more resistances for no reason.

2: Your tree is all over the place. Look up oro flicker builds and see what they're going for. Even if they're not playing berserker, you can still mimic their tree. For example: You're taking ignite nodes, despite not scaling ignite. You're also playing a berserker when a chieftain will not only be tankier but do more damage with less gear. Not to mention your defenses are non-existent.

3: With the lvl 100 tree with the "final" gear, your damage is pitifully low at 990k vs shaper/sirus. Your realistic BIS should be at least several million as a berserker. If you want to play as a berserker build, your #1 priority is to kill them before they have a chance to even hit you or actually mitigate the damage. That's why you'll see these berserker builds with 4k life doing 20 mil DPS.

Raider Flicker is the benchmark for flicker league starts. Berserker/Slayer flicker both require solid investment before outclassing Raider, making them not league start viable.
Thanks for the response. I didn't think that EE would work the way I wanted it to and I don't usually play Marauder so it's back to the drawing board. Might try something different altogether.

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