Need some Build help

Many leagues ago I liked the Trickster Flicker build a lot because of its weave the arcane notable.

Now I got an old 3.7 tree and filled in a couple of blanks.

The idea was to use the nightblade support gem because of its offensive and defensive properties.

The result were two builds with claws and daggers respectively.

Can I have some feedback and constuctive criticism how viable it is?

I know what kind of weapons I am using and their worth. It is something I did to check how much damage is possible if I throw currency at it. Claw Dagger
Last edited by TheOnlyTrueReaper on May 21, 2022, 10:45:17 AM
Last bumped on Aug 14, 2022, 1:24:25 PM
"I know what kind of weapons I am using and their worth. It is something I did to check how much damage is possible if I throw currency at it."

Jeah and there u have your reason why this aint viable. throwing currency at something should not lead to just 1.7M dps. Im not into flicker or melee at all so i cannot give u constructive ideas for this build. Buit i can tell its not worth it.

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