No Stone Unturned achievement on PS5 bugged

I painstakingly went through the 140/140 lore list for this twice now, because the first time I was convinced I simply missed one by accident, and the achievement never popped for this. Please someone take a look at this achievement on console and make sure it isn't bugged. There's no way to track progress on this except for the excel spreadsheet I made and marked off along the way (twice now), and I'm not going to do it a third time. I just can't figure out any other reason this isn't working. Sanctum lore should not be included because that was already a bug they fixed in Kalandra league and surely they wouldn't make the same dumb mistake twice, right?...
Last bumped on Mar 18, 2024, 10:45:27 PM
You probably skipped one without realizing it!
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
After going through it meticulously twice with an excel spreadsheet open the entire time, marking each one off as I went? I'll reiterate. Twice??? No, sorry. Fool me once, shame on me. This happened twice in a row and I'm not falling for it a third time. This has a history of being bugged during a league where the league lore is included unintentionally and they had to go back and hotfix it. I want confirmation that this is not the case yet again before I do anything else. It sucks not getting the platinum because of this, but I'm not a glutton for wasting my time. I have better things to do if this is broken...
After going through it meticulously twice with an excel spreadsheet open the entire time, marking each one off as I went? I'll reiterate. Twice??? No, sorry. Fool me once, shame on me. This happened twice in a row and I'm not falling for it a third time. This has a history of being bugged during a league where the league lore is included unintentionally and they had to go back and hotfix it. I want confirmation that this is not the case yet again before I do anything else. It sucks not getting the platinum because of this, but I'm not a glutton for wasting my time. I have better things to do if this is broken...

I understand the anger as it's not an easy challenge to get! It really needs an In Game menu to keep track of which ones are complete and which ones are missing!
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
Try post to feedback.

In PC there is a ticker that at least show you are X/140

(pre-3.0 is even better as i remember, i done it pre-3.0 so that don't want to do it again on second account)
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So are we sure the bug regarding league specific lore is fixed? In Kalandra I definitely had to get all Kalandra lore to get the achievement.

Falconie_hawk wrote:
So are we sure the bug regarding league specific lore is fixed? In Kalandra I definitely had to get all Kalandra lore to get the achievement.

It is fixed in mid-Kalandra league

In PC currently show 140, not like the bugged 147 at the Kalandra league start.
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

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Is there any way to see this on console?

I saw a video on PC where someone had an in game checklist showing xx/140. When I checked my profile here on the site it says to check the in game client for details on how many I’ve found. I can’t find it on console so I’m guessing it’s not possible? :(

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