New update... Now group play is broken

I can't seem to join any groups or play with friends, i can't speak to crashes but since the new patch it's actually a worse experience than before for group play. Would love to hear if anyone has a workaround.
Last bumped on Mar 21, 2024, 1:39:37 AM
Yeah, same issue here. Can't invite to group and can't get invited. I'm playing on Xbox.
I’m haven’t the same issue if amazing they haven’t fixed this yet
Imagine how this would be received in the “PC Elite” community and how they would react. We now know that we console gamers are just trash… we shouldn’t expect much in the future. I’m off to play Diablo4 campaign on game pass.
Where's the thread/ info that suggests they've tried fixing it?

Same issue

Last edited by Tanyamac80#8860 on Mar 19, 2024, 7:25:18 AM
It seems like the fix will not be deployed anytime soon. Considering I did recieve an email saying the devs are working on the issue. The problem is when for consoles especially xbox, considering diablo 4 is coming to gamepass soon. I love this game to death i still play it even if my friends can not, but it is a matter of time before players slowly leave because a new game came around for everyone. I hope a dev sees this. GGG you guys are amazing, but we just want some sort of insight on these issues rather than ghosting the community. Thank you GGG hope we can get an update on the party/grouping issue!
Im probably crazy, and this is a theory an the level of a Masonic conspiracy ,but wtat if they are trying to do crossplay, because this problem is also on the PS) i need a doctor help.

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