Another update - another bug.
After latest patch, I find myself completely unable to log into Path of Exile on PS5, staring at error screens instead of engaging in the new content.
The continuous cycle of updates and patches, which should bring excitement and renewal, instead brings dread and disappointment. It’s a cycle that seems to highlight a glaring disconnect between the developers and their community. I've invested in Path of Exile, not just my time, but my hard-earned money through supporter packs, believing in the promise and potential of this game. Yet, with each update, that investment feels more like a gamble on whether the game will be playable, whether the new content will be accessible without encountering game-breaking bugs, or if my voice, along with countless others, will be heard. The lack of thorough testing before deploying these updates is not just disappointing; it's disheartening. Having supported the game through the purchase of supporter packs, my frustration isn't just with the bugs or the login issues; it's with the principle. My financial backing was given in good faith, supporting a game and a team I believed in. Yet, time and again, we're met with updates that seem hastily deployed, riddled with issues that lock out dedicated players and sour the gameplay experience for everyone. This constant cycle of excitement for new content quickly turning into disappointment and frustration is wearing thin. The idea that the development team might not fully test these updates before release is concerning, to say the least. It reflects a disregard for the player experience and, frankly, a lack of respect for those of us who have invested not just our time but our money into this game. Last bumped on Apr 5, 2024, 9:53:28 PM
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