revisiting: a possible idea for improving and defentiating melee from range builds

I presented a possible concept for melee and ranged builds.

I has to do with accuracy and how it relates to how close your character is to a monster. The closer your target the easier to hit, the furthur the more you need to invest into accuracy to be able to do damage furthur away.

eg. edge of map would require 20k accuracy to do full damage at edge of screen. And if you want to off screen you would need 50,000 accuracy to get beyond that. This would make melee more powerful closer as you can invest into damge and not need to invest into accuracy as you are always in close quarters.

You can also apply this to damage mitigation. The closer you are the more damage reduction one can get. the furthur you are the more damge you will take. this would make melee inherintly more tankier at close quarters, and make ranged builds more vulnerable at furthur distances.

Range inherently is less riskier game play as you have distance to avoid melee and time to move from projectiles.

Melee should be easier to avoid projectiles next to like if someone was trying to hit you with an arrow but they are standing in front of you making the bow useless. This would truely make monsters that close the gap more challenging and make bow build have to invest into defenses vs just pure damage and off screening.

The current game play basically is delete 1.5 screens. It can hardly be called game play imo.

Game play requires something to be of danger. If it doesn't exist on the screen there is no danger.

This could be better expanded but for now I am just trying to bring awareness to the ideas.

Look forward to hearing about the feedback cheers!
Last edited by tafonso on Apr 28, 2024, 11:48:07 PM
Last bumped on Apr 28, 2024, 6:54:51 PM

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