A blast from the past: Map bug/Party Bug

Yeah, leave a map and re-enter and the whole map is hidden again.
Yes I know You can fix it by deleting and re downloading the game but this should not be athing. Not for a bug we found years ago!

Same for party bug...
Last bumped on Aug 14, 2024, 2:14:04 PM
I am on my 4th install since launch because of this.

Hopefully it gets fixed soon.

It can wait till after maps are fixed.
I think there is a pain loop between reinstalling because of this bug and the time it takes to load in textures after install. I'm wondering if my textures and mini map are trying to live in the same cache. Once the textures are all there the map loses memory.
Now I have the map bug again but If I reinstall I have to DC 1000 times again.
This is torture

Yes 5th Time re Intall the game because of Lootfilter and Map Visuals Dissapearing

Same old Story - and no Solution for this. Hope the ps5 Version fix this. My only Explanation for this is, that the Game cant handle the Informations and sometimes the connection to Folders on your Game get corrupted and are unable to link to savefiles again ( The Map Bug for example ) .

Hope for the best, when it comes to the Next Gen Update
Is this the same as the custom item filter not loading bug? They seem connected. Also experiencing maps fog of war reseting when re-entering a map.
its a 2 yeara old Bug yeah. It called storage Bug.

The Game looses the path to maybe destroyed data. And canz save Game Data or Pick Up the lootfilter data
Reinstalled, wiped cache, now collecting the DC's again ...

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