Ships frequently just un-send

My ships are frequently just changing their status to "docked" within 5-10 minutes of being sent out. The crops I put on board are gone, no loot, no error message, no "we got stuck in a storm and ate the crops", just as if it had never sent, except the cargo is deleted.

I have a really dodgy internet connection. It's possible this happens when I get d/c'd while in Kingsmarch, but it may be unrelated.

Please fix.
Last bumped on Aug 5, 2024, 4:15:46 PM
Can confirm this
I thought I was imagining things when I noticed the ship was docked and I thought I didn't send it. But this happened a few times but I always thought I didn't send them. Although I never checked my resources. That sounds bad. Loss of time and resources.
Can confirm it's not disconnect related.

It just happened to me with no disconnect.

I logged in after being away, sent out all 3 ships, with different cargos, noting amounts of crops.

After I returned to hideout, I checked my ships, and one was "docked" as if I had never sent it, and the wheat I had put on it was still gone.

The league mechanic is already really restrictive with gold costs and inability to grow enough crops/find enough minerals to send off what I want, it's SUPER discouraging to have my shipments just straight up deleted with no explanation.

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