Xbox Series X: multiple crashes in juiced Maps

I crash to dashboard multiple times daily while juicing Maps. Most of Time delirium is present when the crash happens. After the crash my custom loot filter is broken and I have to select it again.

Details about the crashes:
The Game freezes for a short amount of time and then crashed to dashboard.

It's so bad, I don't even do my Breach/Deli strat anymore and try to avoid juicing to hard. Also sometimes U die during the crash an lose xp.

Hoping for a fix soon it's getting annoying :(
Last bumped on Sep 4, 2024, 5:45:12 AM
Same here.

Even running sims, Harby with beyond crashes the game. And to think we got a native console client and it's still crashing xdd
Thanks for your reports. We are looking into this.
Do you happen to be running Wretched Defilers? I'm having the same experience.

I have an unbelievable strong build but can't do super juiced content because I crash.
Same here

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