A request for help from GGG - game state for PS console users

To anyone at GGG who may be reading this,

Firstly - I know the console version of this game is only a small fraction of the game's user base, and therefore a small fraction of its MTX generated revenue.
Secondly - I'm also aware that the PS console has a different architecture to PC and Xbox, so a native port for PlayStation isn't as straightforward.

I've been playing this game for a very long time, and have placed both a lot of time and what I would say money into the title. It's the best ARPG out there, even moreso with PoE2 on the horizon. All that being said, it's pretty disheartening to see the game in its current state on Playstation.

It's always had it's quirks and foibles, but we tend to overlook these being a small part of the PoE universe. At this point however, as you can see from the other posts in here, the game is in a near unplayable state on PS.

Having to clear chance, rebuild databases and reinstall apps just to play a game is not really good enough for any video game, let alone a company's flagship title. This weakens the established player base considerably,making users think before making in-game purchases. It also has a more dramatic effect on newcomers to the game, eager to try something more satisfying than the other ARPGs on the market/PS Store. If they load it up and it doesn't work, even semi-smoothly, they won't come back. Gamers are notoriously fickle, there's plenty of other titles vying for attention and monies to spend on, especially in an FTP model. I'm sure that GGG want both PoE and PoE2 to be as much of a success as possible across as broad a scope of platforms as it can be.

So, with all that being said, would it please be at all possible to look into the PS platforms version of the app, and see if something could be done to improve the stability, be it textures loading, or maybe not having to take such drastic measures to just get the app to play for a small amount of time? If it's too much to ask, or taking up too many resources within GGG,then maybe you should question having the game available on the PS platform at all.

Now, I'm not overly hopeful of a solution, or even if this post will even be read by someone at GGG who can get this in front of the right people. I'm just writing this to let you know of mine, my Guild's, and I'm sure the vast majority of the PS user base's sadness, frustration, anger, whatever you wish to call it, at the current state of the game.

GGG I'm sure you can do better.

Thank you for reading.
Last bumped on Aug 18, 2024, 3:46:35 AM

Last edited by harhaqvei#9841 on Aug 15, 2024, 2:24:12 PM
Is just crazy that we got zero responses so far.
Like not even a 'we are aware' or something :/

The worse is that on the league launch console was already left eating coal.
This is sadly a systemic issue showing the absence of any care for console at all.
Last edited by pra-lima87#9599 on Aug 15, 2024, 3:00:59 PM
That. I only dont understand why its been 3 days and we still have nothing.
We are done beta teasing the controller support, now we are not even worth a short one-line post of a moderator.
Let that sink in.
They take gamble not fixing game and hope sony accepts ps5 port time league launch.
Almost half season time they 100% wont start fixing anything now for anything but PC

Know they mean for best things just didnt work this time
Last edited by harhaqvei#9841 on Aug 15, 2024, 5:02:46 PM
Well said. I have the same concerns and frustrations.
here here. Lets see if anyone cares at GGG

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