/Bug report inquery
Most times when players say the game crashes, the game does not fully shutdown.
If it were to unexpectedly shut down a crash report would generate through PSN. I don't recall the exact wording or options of the PSN crash report as it has been a long time since it was triggered from PoE. What happens instead: The screen gets "stuck". Sometimes everything is fixed in placed. Other times you cannot move, nor are monsters moving, but textures are. Lightning edffects still flickering, flags still blowing in the wind, etc. Then one of 2 things After a long delay, the game tries to play catch up. Everything starts to happen in fast forward. If your character is tanky enough and you're not doing a boss fight, it's possible to survive, but death is usually the outcome. OR After a long delay, we are kicked back to the PoE title screen. In the lower lefthand corner in very tiny text will be the message "An Unexpected Error has occurred". As long as you have not also caught the "Party Bug" you can relog. You then have to choose your character, and load back in. Once in, you are by default taken to the last town that your character visited. If in Karui Shores, you can use the town map device to get to the map you crashed from. Or must use a warp pad to go back to your hideout to access your map device and portals. What I'm getting at is that the game disconnects and changes zones multiple times before a player can regain access to the area which the bug was encountered. What information is captured after all of these changes by typing /bug? We are prompted in game to create a post here and reference the bug report #, but how much of any of these issues are actually being relayed if the game disconnects and reloads multiple zones? Sometimes restarting the client or even being connected to different servers on reattempts. We are happy to provide as much helpful information as possible. I believe many great examples have been provided by video which circumvent the above mentioned issue. Please help direct us in better helping you getting all the kinks worked out asap. Example of the above https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ksWI9VERI4 Last edited by pandaman1012#9718 on Aug 30, 2024, 9:26:26 AM Last bumped on Aug 29, 2024, 6:06:07 PM
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