Wrong ending animation in Titan's Grotto ?
I will put this in Spanish at the end, which is its original language
When I killed the boss, which is a colossus in the Titan's cave, an animation of an attack was activated before dying and it never ends. I had to loot its drop by dodging its attack and when I left the arena it still didn't end. After a few minutes I had an unexpected disconnection. Pondre esto en español al final, que es su idioma original al matar al jefe que es un coloso en la gruta del titan, se activo una animacion de un ataque antes de morir y nunca termina, tuve que lootear su drop esquivando su ataque y al salir de la arena aun no terminaba, luego de unos minutos tuve una desconexion inesperada Last bumped on Dec 8, 2024, 10:16:27 AM
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