distilling orbs craft menu

Is there a way in poe2 to open distilling orbs menu where i left my necklase? You can click distilling orbs with right click but i dont have any
Last bumped on Dec 25, 2024, 9:36:40 AM
Same problem, opened it with orb, closed becuase i didnt want the keystone, now amulet and mats are gone , how can i bring this on screen?
Same problem, opened it with orb, closed becuase i didnt want the keystone, now amulet and mats are gone , how can i bring this on screen?

Any fix?
you could buy 1 orb from alva for 1 regal, right click it and you'll be able to see this menu again, very stupid, but it worked for me
bumping this, I put my amulet and 3 oils in the window and closed it and now I can't get them back
8 bump

Amulet gone. How do we open distilling window when we have no more mats to open???
Like the other guy said, because this happened to me today. You gotta buy a new distilled from Alva, cheapest I found was 1 distilled for 5 regal orbs, once I bought it and clicked on it, my amulet was in there and I pulled it out.

You can sell the distilled on trading site again after to make your coin back if you want.

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