Is stacking "rarity of items found" worth it in poe2?

I searched everywhere, but i couldnt find an anwser, so Im askin here.

I got 51% of total rarity in my gear at lv 33, and i see no real diferenc in item drops. Is it by design, or i need more?

I feel i need to trade to improve. But i got no exalted orbs, and the stuff i have found doesnt sell.
Last edited by TidalSnake#1420 on Dec 9, 2024, 11:13:18 PM
Last bumped on Mar 2, 2025, 9:39:40 PM
100% rarity find just doubles the chance of things to find so if the drop rate is 1% it becomes 2%
Im act 3 had 13% rarity got 2 more rarity items and im at 51% now, find an area were alot of rare and magic monsters are, kill all , refresh area and do it again. last night i got 5 exalt 1 vaal 3 regal 2 chaos and a lot of socket/ quality items.
whiteyzz#5649 wrote:
100% rarity find just doubles the chance of things to find so if the drop rate is 1% it becomes 2%

now that they buffed overall drop rates the mod might do more.
I personally have like 25% or such as random mods on Rare gear i use (but i don't seek it out)
IGN: Lyandria
As someone running around with 146% rarity. It absolutely matters.
How high can you go on the percentage?
How high can you go on the percentage?

Not sure if there is any hardcap but just for fun I tested a T1 map that had a boss with 165 magic find and (while a small sample size) nothing notable dropped in the entire map, no regals/exalts/alchs and there were only 3 rares clearing the whole zone and killing the boss.

going to do a little more testing but one would think that if it made a big difference it would be noticeable even somewhat, but it absolutely wasnt.
I was able to raise my rarity find to 180%, and i noted a few things:

- playing alone drops more rares and uniques
- on grps, the rarity find decreses based on how much rarity each member has
- the further in the campagn u r, the better the reward in rares
- uniques drops are at random lvs of gear

I have yet to test it in endgame. im lv 54 still.,
Does that affect currency or just items?
I dislike rarity so much im almost quitting poe2. GGG.
well, a lot of agumentation orbs r droping, not a lot of exalted ones...

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