POE 2 Lootfilter (Handcrafted Regular/Strict) by Slychac_Strzaly_TTV (GFN / One-click instalation)
Hello there!
" " " Changelogs - expand to see all changes:
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Hi! I'm Bart, from Poland, I play and stream PoE casually for last two years, happily having a few thousand hours on the timer for the original game. Looking at the accessability and also the content of item filters *cough* highliters *cough* provided by other people - (Hi Neversink and Cyberion!) - I took some time to make a "proper" map entry filter for PoE2 considering the market, near future of it and also user experience. As a "retired" UI/UX designer and game tester I hate when overlays like item filters are hiding what is beneath them, especially when in PoE2 it is very important to see what is happeneing on the ground and near our character. DoT areas are litteraly everywhere, and there are ALOT of AoE attacks worth noticing and dodging. That's why I decied to very drasticly distinguish some items that are must have to pick up with others greatly tonned down, that are purely optional in my opinion, after playing the game for 6 days straight (+90 hours of gameplay and counting). ![]() I've found some patterns and carefully picked the tiers and importance of loot in this filter improving it during my playtime in campaign and maps. I am willing to update it on daily basis, basing on your feedback and suggestions, if you choose to try it. I am happy to help and hope it will be useful to someone. And here's a list of assumptions and features: FILTER SHOWS AND HIGHLIGHTS ALL ITEMS IN CAMPAIGN (Area lvl < 64) You will see ALL items and highllights are consistent with endgame. FILTER HIDES LOW BASES ON MAPS (Area lvl > 64) As far as we can see, not depending on item level, the cap for item bases is level 65-70, and those items are called "Expert" There are a few items that are not recognized by the filter, because they do not have their "Advanced" or "Expert" basetype, but I am sure it is item database error, not filter issue. FILTER HIDES "Scrolls of Wisdom," "Shards," "Orbs of Augmentation""Orbs of Transmutation" and Flasks ON MAPS Identification is free at NPCs, Wisdom Scrolls can be bought at NPCs. All shards are irrevelant (just disenchant and salvage your found items.) Aug and Trans Orbs will be found in enough quantity during campaign, and you can get a few hundred of them for single Exalt. WE ARE HIDING GOLD STACKS SMALLER THAN 100g. They are still picked automatically, even beeing invisible, but it helps decluter the screen. Gold in bigger stacks is visible, opaque and also - gold. I did my best to soften it on both - dark and bright maps. WE ARE HIGHLITING 10+ QUALITY ITEMS Those are worth half an Ex after dissasembling. EVERY ITEM THAT SHOULD BE PICKED HAS ITS MINIMAP ICON We agreed with my viewers that treshold for map icons should be around 1 Exalt. It works nice as Divine tier items have bigger icons and everything is color and icon coded. After a while you will be able to see what kind of currency you dropped and decide if you want to return for it. You wont miss anything important as the most valuable items icons are bigger and aso color coded. Small orange icon - worth around exalt. Bigger red icon - woth of multiple exalts. Drops with worth under 1 Ex are not shown on minimap. CURRENCY IS TIERED BY RARITY AND CURRENT MARKET WORTH IN RELATION TO EXALTS I've spent few hours checking prices, trends and other stuff, to be extremly sure all currencies will be shown in proper tiers. We have 4 base tiers of value distincion: - Grey (just shown, but toned down) - Yellowish - from 1/10 to 1/2 Ex - pick if you want but nothing extremly valuable. - RedOrange - around 1 Ex of worth, core of the dopamine bursts. - White background - if you catch it, you can leave the map happy. LEAGUES" and "MECHANICS" ARE COLOR CODED WITH TEXT AND BORDER COLOR Each system has its own text color so it helps to understand from where are given currencies farmed. Raw Currency has white text (Exception to red on top tier, we all love the Divine looks from Neversink). Delirium has Gray, Soulcores have Red, Essences have Blue, Breach has Purple and Ritual has And now, let cut to an example: ![]() Vanilla game filter So the vanilla game system is quite invasive regarding many points - size, opacity and lack of distinguishable value reference. ![]() Highliter (Items are shown by holding LALT here) My version of the filter adds more opacity to all drops that are optional to pick, making the game much more clear. It also reminds me a little of classic Diablo II filter style (Yes, I colored runes to that orange color from DII, but you need to check it by yourselves in game) ![]() Actually filtered loot! Cheers and thank you for considering using this filter. I wish you happy mapping! # P.S. Thanks to my viewers, especially Ludwor, who greatly helepd in testing and putting that whole thing together. <3 ______________________________________________________________ Thank you all for your trust and help, joining me live on stream. I am happy and honoured to meet so many neat people who share our love to PoE. Cheers and much love! <3 Last edited by ArronEagleheart#4399 on Jan 21, 2025, 10:05:48 AM Last bumped on Jan 25, 2025, 8:11:40 AM
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Very good filter downloaded it and works perfectly for mapping.
Finally I don't have to think what i want to pickup just kill mobs and pickup stuff thats shiny. Items aren't in the way of whats happening on the screen Highly reccomend, Great work |
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Awesome filter, thank you. Will check back daily for updates.
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Just downloaded it and will be testing throughout the weekend. So far, exalts are showing :P. Nice work. I'll report any issues :) - Thanks for the recommendation in game Ludwor!
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Slychac_Strzaly_TTV Filter:
![]() Neversink Filter: ![]() |
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I gave it a quick test run as I like the idea behind your filter. It's great! I would definitely recommend it.
Last edited by Khenra#5549 on Dec 13, 2024, 5:25:29 PM
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I didn't get a chance to try it tonight but thanks for your efforts! I just got to mapping so will check it out tomorrow.
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Hello and thank you for the filter, I'm using it in maps, I'm noob and a bit confused why some items it shows vs some it hides.
For example, it showed some blue unidentified boots but hid a tier 2 unidentified yellow staff (saw it when i pressed alt - just not sure why this is, and what am I not understanding, as a noob. Thanks. |
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Does anyone know how to filter unidentified items with tiers? What is the filter clause?
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Hello there!
I just made a few improvements based on feedback and added support for campaign. So the filter works now from level 1 through the whole game. I will add that information with changelog on the top of the main post. " Changelog 14.12.2024 - Added support for charms and tablets - Fixed an issue with opacity on "unknown" loot in campaign - Removed the pink text on "unknown items" - it is better to leave them vanilla, in case item database get fixed - Improved color coding for Expedition - Added proper purple beams to Expedition drops - Fixed trash currnecy display rule to work for the whole game - On maps, we are now filtering out Orbs of Transmutation Work in progress: STACKS. Some currencies will jump to higher tiers if their stack will be big enough to reach next tier of display differention. Thank you all for your trust and help, joining me live on stream. I am happy and honoured to meet so many neat people who share our love to PoE. Cheers and much love! <3 " " Regarding your questions: As for now, there is no way to filter unidentified items by that weird "Tier," and to be honest, It seems those just have better mods behind the identification, and Devs are trying to let us know that this item may have higher rolls or something like that. Still, it is not possible to highlight them or filter them out today. Maybe in the future. Remember that all "Expert" items are Map + above bases, which all have value as bases for players who are reaching maps or are already on higher level/tier. Last edited by ArronEagleheart#4399 on Dec 14, 2024, 12:18:02 PM
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