I never played POE, but

After playing POE2 I think i might drop it and start.
Last bumped on Dec 13, 2024, 3:29:26 PM
They are dramatically different games.
IGN : Reamus
they are competently different. poe is so much more fun
It isn't in early access but sometimes league launches can get pretty dicey. Fun is a completely subjective thing though. Its a dramatically different game, they keep nerfing stuff that saves leagues for me though and that isn't great.
IGN : Reamus
PoE is like driving a ferrari and PoE2 is moms station wagon, movement skills alone make it feel so much better. Idk why fat rolling replaced them all in 2.
After playing POE2 I think i might drop it and start.

Even if you continue to play PoE2 it is 100% worth going and playing the original. All your stash tabs work on both and the game is of course free. It's a lot less "difficult" to start, but the crafting and end game options can potentially make you go insane. Get some cold res before you reach Merveil and have fun!
Gr8 B8 M8

poe is much more complex. better skill tree and tons of build enabling uniques!

also trials(=laboratory) is more fun!

its also a more "zoomzoom" game and you can level much faster.

try it out ;)
IGN: Elron
elron#2344 wrote:
poe is much more complex. better skill tree and tons of build enabling uniques!

also trials(=laboratory) is more fun!

its also a more "zoomzoom" game and you can level much faster.

try it out ;)

I miss Izaro guys.
elron#2344 wrote:
poe is much more complex. better skill tree and tons of build enabling uniques!

also trials(=laboratory) is more fun!

its also a more "zoomzoom" game and you can level much faster.

try it out ;)

I miss Izaro guys.

I'm gonna genuinely enjoy my next lab knowing how bad it could be.

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