It's Early Access so... make respec for free

I understand that it's Early Access and changes needs to be made. But GGG - make also changes in build possible at the same time.

I'm a casual player. I can spend max 2 hours each day to play. I can't pay 100K+ to respec build if it was nerfed. I just don't have it.

Now I have 2 options:
- grind enormous amount of gold, which is even more problematic with bricked build - week of playing sth totally not fun just to save up money
- start new character - week of playing sth I've already played

BUT... If during that time come another nerf, I need to start over...

If both sides (GGG and players) are learning during EA just give us no-cost rescpec at any time. That will solve not only nerf related problems but allow us test new skills and option. Not relying on build that are published (and proved that they are working for now...).
Last bumped on Dec 13, 2024, 4:20:28 AM

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