Trials of Ascension

I’ve been playing Path of Exile 2 since early access release day and I’ve enjoyed it a lot. Boss fights are fun, build variety is amazing, and the environments and story are beautiful. The one gripe I have is with the trials of ascension. They are one of the most unfun experiences in any game I’ve played recently. I suffered through four ascension points so far. In order to get my fifth and sixth I have to spend at least an hour in the trial of sekhemas to get to the third boss. That’s if I even make it that far. I haven’t mentioned the trial of chaos because I couldn’t get through seven rooms, much less ten. I’m level 71 and following a build from a knowledgeable streamer. I am also an avid gamer who is used to difficult games. Not being able to get through a level 60 trial with my knowledge and gear is unacceptable. Even if I was able to complete all the trials and obtain all of my ascension points I would still never enjoy this part of the game and I would never interact with it again. I hope there is a massive rework of the system at some point because it is ruining the experience for me drastically.
Last bumped on Dec 13, 2024, 1:30:21 PM
Agree - needs tweaking.

- Less rooms on early difficulties
- Progress save?
- Honor tweaks - damage and amount taken, increase max?
- Maybe remove the honor component and just make it HP
- Dump it and bring back Izaro?
Last edited by superbomb1967#5561 on Dec 13, 2024, 1:06:13 PM
I completely agree with this. I am a level 71 sorceress and have spent hours min maxing my gear and studying into every single gem and I still have no chance of completing these. You have to be at least 30 levels higher than the enemies in the trial to have any chance and even then you aren’t guaranteed to win it. The trials of chaos are insane with every single modifier being able to completely cripple you but you have to stack 10 of these to get your final points?! I think at the very minimum there needs to be more options to pick from but even then I don’t think I could beat it if I had to choose 10 even if they were easy modifiers. I had two 7 wave trials to try with level 62 enemies and then level 61 enemies with me being level 70 and I didn’t make it through hardly any of it. One time specifically I was killed by impending doom due to not knowing that “spawns a circle under you” means that it spawns a circle the size of the entire arena every 2.5 seconds that one shots you giving you no options other than running the entire time and unable to stop to cast a single spell ever or you get one shot. Maybe if you guys didn’t completely brick my build by changing the way charges work I could figure something out but here I am at end game twiddling my thumbs waiting for you guys to fix your game so I can continue playing.
bring back old lab. new trials are boring...
IGN: Elron
Last edited by elron#2344 on Dec 13, 2024, 1:31:14 PM

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