So I Corrupted My Weapon...

But there was no stat changes, only a couple lines on the stats that are lit brighter.

Requires: Level 48, 110 STR
40% Increased Physical Damage (from the two runes I put in it)

Anybody have a clue what the corruption gem I used on it did? I thought the stats would modify, so I dunno...

Edgar Allen POE2
Last bumped on Dec 26, 2024, 12:59:35 PM
One of the outcomes of applying a Vaal orb is that nothing changes but the item is corrupted.
~ There are spectacular moments.
Damn, that's annoying...
Thank you for the response though 😉

Edgar Allen POE2
Yeah corruption is like one of those things you do last and you can afford that it gets bricked. Its a massive gamble.
Yeah, luckily I did everything I wanted with the weapon before using the corruption gem. It just sucks that such a great weapon didn't get the cherry on top that it deserved. 😒

Edgar Allen POE2
Wow, damn, this is pure hype — I’m insanely excited!
GUESS WHAT? Vaal Orbs can also behave like Chaos Orbs and replace the affix stat you like the most with a random stat that becomes useless to you. GGG NEEDS to change that, if I wanted have the chaos effect then I would use that orb, this ruined a chest piece for me. It replaced a huge life regen stat of mine with spirit and now I’m a marshmallow again.
EpicOne#0891 wrote:
Damn, that's annoying...
Thank you for the response though 😉

If you think that is annoying wait for the first time the orb completely destroys your item. ^^
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
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top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"

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