Preventing poison ignition

I am playing a poison ranger that uses a gas arrow to help build poison stacks. This works fine for the most part, but whenever a mob has any kind of ignition source my build starts to struggle. A skill that my build relies on literally goes up in smoke. Does anyone know of a way to prevent gas arrow from igniting?
Last edited by jprice96#7415 on Dec 14, 2024, 1:53:23 PM
Last bumped on Feb 5, 2025, 4:44:54 PM
Sometimes I do wish my poison clouds would stop detonating.
Though when that though happens for me it's not because of an enemy's ignite, it's because I'm playing with a friend using fire spells.

But let us both be honest here:
Enemy or friend, when someone other than you is provide ignite that detonates your clouds, your dps goes up, not down.

My ranger has almost every poison node in the passive tree, and I took the poison ascendency nodes, so right now I've got some very amplified poison and I can stack it 6 times.
My dps is still higher if I just drop a flame wall and spam gas arrow detonations. If I don't even need to provide the ignite myself, even better.
Ok, so I've combed through all the support gems and uniques and no, not really.

I think I'd be looking at Rain of arrows or Spiral Volley if I had any sort of frenzy charge generation if you have the poison chance. Or some other chicancery with weapon sets.

IGN : Reamus
In respect to the damage of the gas arrow itself I agree. The problem I’m having is that the utility of gas arrow extends beyond just its dps. First it can poison other skills like vine arrow and toxic growth and gas arrow is one of the best skills I have found for this. The second utility gas arrow has is for escalating toxins as it applies a lot of poison stacks. When you have a max of 8 poison slots to fill the gas arrow is a great way to fill them. Lastly the GGG team have indicated they want to make the explosion of gas arrow scale with the ignition source which could be very low in some cases. For all these reasons I was hoping there would be a way to prevent the ignition of a gas arrow.
For my part, honestly, acknowledging what works and how well given current mechanics is one thing.
That's the basis under which I call somebody providing ignites and detonating all my gas beneficial.

But as far as desire goes, it's relatively the opposite of what I want from a poison build.

I'm running poison because I like status effects and DoTs.
Burst damage is basically the opposite of what I'm after.
If I wanted to to detonation things, I'd build some kind of detonation build, I wouldn't be investing in the poison itself.
If I wanted to chunk health bars, I'd build burst damage sources. Not apply a DoT and convert it to a burst.
I'm running a DoT, a status, because I want to apply a status, leave it there, and have damage dealt over time.

In Elden Ring poison was very weak in the base game, and their response to make it better in the dlc was to add items that just remove the poison and deal a burst of damage. If that's what I wanted to do, I'd play a bleed build.

It's a similar matter here, with using a poison skill to set up a detonation for a burst of damage, in this case fire.
I don't want detonating my cloud of poison to be better than using it to poison people.
I'm all for detonation builds, and fire builds, but I don't want them to be my poison builds.
This is a older thread,

But I do not see more recent ones talking about this. For poison builds the detonating just takes away from that play style.

If GGG does read this perhaps they will consider a new support gem.

Inert Gasses - poison clouds can no longer be detonated. Poisons applied by skill effect last X% longer / prevent Regen / take X% more damage over time or any number of additional benefit to counter the no explosion burst that kills poison builds.
Bumping this. Super frustrating

This should be tied to Deadly Poison Support with a "Prevents Detonation of Gas Clouds" and applicable to all gas cloud based skills. The assumption is if you are scaling poison you are most likely going to be running this support, if this support ends up as a net loss in DPS for w/e build you are running vs another then that would be a choice on the player.

Agree just got my poison class up and running maps. Constant ignitions due to ground effects. very annoying and is a direct counter to my class.

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