Who is even supposed to play this game
Difficulty needs to be hard nerfed during the campaign.
I attempted a Witch infernalist and pushed my way through to Act 5 before getting way too frustrated at survivability and minion jank during boss fights. Rolled a Mercenary and then got hard stuck at the cemetery bosses in A1. Even used leftover Lvl2 support gems from the witch playthrough to juice him up and still just unable to do _anything_. Did yall want endgame feedback? Because people arent going to be able to even get to endgame, I'm done till full launch. Last bumped on Dec 15, 2024, 6:20:45 AM
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Cemetery boss in A1 on Merc?
Well the issue is you are missing 2 things that makes him infinitely easier. Go to your active skills and look for "git" and "gud." Once you get those, you will have no problem with the Cemetary boss. |
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Shill streamers that get paid and their npc viewers
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Merc getting hardstuck at the cemetery bosses in A1? That's a really good example of git gud wtf.
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If it makes you feel better act 1 is by far the hardest part of the game not counting endgame stuff, but it seems like you already had a witch a5 so I really have no idea what the issue is.
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The early game difficulty is mostly due to not having a proper build online yet or getting unlucky with drops and being woefully undergeared. Once you get into late A2 and beyond (especially cruel) the difficulty falls off quite a bit.
You may die to the odd boss fight but typically that's your own fault, where as early game you just aren't put together properly enough to deal with bosses that have multiple phases. players used to POE likely found this less a problem (they understand how to build a character better) whereas the new players are getting demolished at lv 17 with a few support gems and still in blues against bosses that have multiple phases and take forever to whittle down. Beyond that, the game is far more punishing than it is challenging. Dying honestly sucks. I miss the days of just taking a durability hit and maybe losing some gold/exp... But dying removing all activities from a map and deleting any loot hurts and removes a lot of fun from end game, while having whole maps reset monsters hurt and slow down campaign. Last edited by redrowen#7388 on Dec 14, 2024, 7:04:51 PM
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"This is exactly what's wrong though. I am a new player but being hung up on the act 1 boss is making me want to quit this game, The game itself is bad ass i love the difficulty. but early game should not be a migraine, I made it 2 Act 2 on Sorc very easy. minus a couple of boss help along the way one of them being Grelnor.My hype is completely squashed at hour 3 of trying to kill Grelnor with a warrior.I like the game but it's just a poor game design decision to punish you early then throw immense power and the game becomes face roll. I truly enjoy the challenge but not having the gear or tools is likely the issue. the mechanics are easy enough to get down but being starved of potions and resistances at last 10 % of boss is very disheartening. 3 hours on first boss and dying last phase like groundhog day. no potions no movement speed to avoid beams or the slam. |
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game expects you to at least understand you need resists what not. like if you think youre gonna just stroll through you might not understand..
like its def a challenge. ive played these alot. but its basically the same as usual.. get some res. tank some shots dodge the others. Smoother than Smooth.
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Dodge in this game is crap compared to most of the others I have played. Mobs moving 3-10x faster than you is not added difficulty it is just bad game design. Would like to try controller but slogging through assigning skills the way they currently have it set up is almost as painful as having to play at melee range with a ranged character on the very first boss to even get into the first town. The design decisions and the overall flow and engagement in the game are just stupid. Unintersting campaign areas and from what I have seen on twitch maps are garbage too.
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" Go to poe market and buy gear, how do you have all these supp packs and dont know how to do that??? I started a new char. Spent 5ex and i have a +3 staff wih 120% combined light damage and 30%+ to all rea and like 1.5k es at lvl 30. Game is an absolute fucking faceroll. All with 20 minutes on poe trade and 5ex. Last edited by BossOfThisGym#2062 on Dec 14, 2024, 9:25:23 PM
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