How Damage Conversion Interacts with Gain As Extra in POE2?

I need some help on new conversion mechanics and its interaction with gain as extra
Right now im coverting 100% of my Lightning to Cold
here is an example, i will assume im dealing 100 damage and i have 100% increased cold damage on tree
damage type ---> output (the damage monster recieves)
100 cold ---> 200 cold
100 fire ---> 100 fire
100 lightning ---> 200 cold
for the gain as extra we are only considering the extra part and i assume i have 20% gain as extra on and dealing 100 damage
extra damage type ---> extra output
20 as extra cold ---> 40 cold? (x1)
20 as extra fire ---> 20 fire
20 as extra lightning --->20 lightning? (x2)
are my calculations correct? the question is what is x1 and x2, i read the wiki but still not sure
also im not sure about type of damage from x2 (output from as extra lightning)
will it be converted to cold or will remain lightning?
Last edited by unKHEFTable#3290 on Dec 16, 2024, 3:48:15 AM
Last bumped on Jan 26, 2025, 5:11:11 AM
I don't really follow the given example.

You have: 100 lightning damage, 100% increased cold damage, 50% increased lightning damage, 100% lightning -> cold conversion, gain 20% of damage as lightning damage.

– conversion: 100 lightning dmg -> 100 cold dmg
– gain as extra: 100 lightning dmg -> 20 lightning dmg

– 100 * 2 (100% increased cold) = 200 cold dmg
– 20 * 1.5 (50% increased lightning) = 30 lightning dmg

I got you example

are you 100% sure about that?

so this basically means archmage is only really good on lightning builds and also if you are cold build only gain as extra cold scales
Im in the same boat right now and kinda sad. Just beat my 4th ascendancy, skilled the Node that lets ALL DAMAGE shock. So i put on the call of the brotherhood ring and was really let down.

Im running a Lightning , Cast on Shock , Archmage , Stormweaver with double Shock and Arcane Surge. I procc lightning conduit with cast on shock at it gets 1800% ( yes thats 18 times ) more dmg from my stacked 92% shock value on target.

I wanted to convert 100% to Cold to get additional interaction with my lightning build. I did this multiple times in poe1 with my cold arc witch elementalist. I love this build.

As it turns out, after reading the tooltips, The GAINED Dmg from Archmage does NOT get converted. Only the base dmg gets turned into cold dmg and the increased lightning dmg mods wont apply anymore, instead it now need cold dmg modifiers.

The increased lightning still applies to the archmage gained lightning dmg tho.

So even if i redo my passives and redo my gear to cold dmg, it would only boost the converted part but not apply to the archmage dmg obviously.

So im sitting at a half-half build right now, which means that resistance penetration becomes completly ineffective and exposure effects aswell.

I would basically trade dmg effectivness for the abiltiy to add chill and freeze to my build and i dont think its worth.

All conversions now work on base values.
Which prevents excessive stacking, and means any damage type can be converted to any damage type, but also leads to odd thinks like using Eldritch Battery and still having Energy Shield due to an amulet that in turn grants ES based off mana.
It's a lot less stacky for damage dealing. Almost a little too little.
Good point, too, about conversion + penetration. The latter is a lot easier to come by now.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
Last edited by UnDeaD_CyBorG#7056 on Dec 19, 2024, 8:25:37 PM
Yeah i was doing that too, a bit different though, i was also doing ignite, so i can get inc dmg per ailment nodes also because of rising tempest,
but right now in magic builds only lightning works, because cant get pen and exposure for all 3 elements and archmage only works with lighning, so end game scaling builds are all lighning...
i hope their answer will not be to nerf lightning, we need things on par with archmage on fire, cold and chaos too or make archmage generic
I am following this build

And it has both Brutality linked to detonate dead but also on the tree there is a node allocated Madness in the Bones (gain 6% of Phys Dmg as extra Chaos Damage)

Will this work or the creator of the build has made a mistake?
Conversion and Gain as are happenning in the same time. :) (Both using the base for calculation)

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