GGG being silent after the CoF nerfs.

Does anyone find it hilarious and sad at the same time that they nerfed the not so ovepowered CoF like one day after people started playing it and now after the big backlash they let all other massively overpowered builds be as they are?

Last bumped on Dec 16, 2024, 3:07:53 PM
Yeah it sucks move on
I can understand a slight nerf and rebalancing but what they did was just leave it in the gutter. 90% nerf off the bat is crazy.

Right now it's impossible to build a full cold sorceress that even remotely compares to some of the more powerful builds. I really hope they reconsider some of the changes or have some different solutions to energy build up and triggers they can deploy.

I don't agree with all this 'free respec' rhetoric from the community either. I do think respec costs are too high and should be reduced to some extent. But, I like the aesthetic of cold sorceress, I don't really care if it's not the most super OP build, I just want it to be viable at endgame - and currently, it isn't. By offering free respec all it does is incentivise people to switch to FOTM builds, I actually think it discourages experimentation and does not encourage it.
Last edited by MoxisUK#7897 on Dec 16, 2024, 2:53:05 PM
MoxisUK#7897 wrote:
By offering free respec all it does is incentivise people to switch to FOTM builds, I actually think it discourages experimentation and does not encourage it.

...what? Insanely high respec costs discourage experimentation. Full stop. You literally cannot experiment very much because you can't afford to.

It's early access. They want us to test the game. They want us to test different builds, skill combinations / interactions etc. If we have to grind for 10 hours just to swap builds, that doesn't foster the sort of environment where a lot of testing is going to take place.

With that being said, I honestly can't believe how heavy-handed the cast on X nerf was. It's actually insane. Why not nerf it by 20-30% and do further testing? Why start out with a 90% nerf? Makes no sense whatsoever. If this is going to be their design philosophy going forward, early access isn't going to be very fun at all (which doesn't foster the sort of environment where a lot of testing is going to take place either).
Last edited by Blasphemous84#2190 on Dec 16, 2024, 3:09:04 PM

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