Poe 2 Act 3 -The Matlan Waterways
I don't mind long areas as long as I get to level up while wasting so much time in this place , but it doesn't really happen, the mobs are not giving me enough exp for an area that takes so much time to complete and on top of that I had to count to be sure(the 2nd time I did it), but there are exactly 15 levels for the canals! I would've settled with 6-7 np , but 15! and for what?! the area has no importance, no exp, no mandatory quest for permanent passives it's just a big delay during campaign(a dead zone), I strongly recommend changing this before launch as I almost felt asleep every time I did this part and it wasn't enjoyable from any point of view, I don't mind these mechanics with levers it's just overexaggerated...settle on fever levers and make the zone either give much more exp or add some interesting content, like a boss that requires the lever mechanic to fight or reach...
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 9:48:04 PM
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Felt exactly the same way. Far too long and after every corner I was like 'oh surprise, ANOTHER switch...'.
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COMPLETELY AGREE! WAAAY TOOO LOONG! There are several areas/dungeons that can be shortened up a bit. Especially when it takes so long to kill one mob with extra energy shield, let alone dozens and dozens on top of mini bosses and bosses that constantly one shot kill you...stops being fun pretty quickly when the areas are endless.
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There is definitely work that needs to be done and issues addressed. But one thing I'm seeing a lot of is they're heavier on the micro transactions for simple items. Guild stashes? Come on! That shouldn't require buying something through a money store or having to spend money for coins to purchase through store. There are quite a few basic items that every other style of game just has a standard. Also the game is becoming too predictable and the boss fights are just higher HP with insane stats. Nothing interesting at all.
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