Please GGG throw us a POE 1 bone for Christmas

Pretty depressed about the state of POE right now, a game I've enjoyed and supported for 10 years.

All I really want for Christmas is some good news on the POE 1 front, if POE 2 isn't meant for players like me that play games for fun.

Can we get just some news to give us a sliver of hope that we have a future with POE?

A sneak peak of the next league, or better still POE 1 4.0 - the thing we were promised all those years ago?
Last bumped on Dec 20, 2024, 3:03:45 PM
All the recent "PoE" news in the PoE1 game are for another game (PoE2).

And the forum is overrun by PoE2 stuff despite there being a dedicated forum for it.

And PoE2 still seems to be overly popular.

And former GGG promises cant be trusted. Obviously PoE1 is suffering majorly due to PoE2.

So unfortunately its looking quite bleak for PoE1... Only real hope I see is for PoE2 popularity to degrade.

And why do I have to verify that I am human for everything in the forum now?
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Last edited by Zrevnur#2026 on Dec 18, 2024, 5:26:02 AM

Not interested in poe2 yet, not jumpin in amy EA tho, prefer whole games :)
i really hope they start giving us fresh poe leagues again because poe2 is not the game for me. i am only playing it because i dont want to play settlers for 6 months
Last edited by Lyutsifer665#1671 on Dec 18, 2024, 10:56:16 AM
XeonPOE#7768 wrote:
Pretty depressed about the state of POE right now, a game I've enjoyed and supported for 10 years.

All I really want for Christmas is some good news on the POE 1 front, if POE 2 isn't meant for players like me that play games for fun.

Can we get just some news to give us a sliver of hope that we have a future with POE?

A sneak peak of the next league, or better still POE 1 4.0 - the thing we were promised all those years ago?

PoE2 got lots of problems in my eyes and things that can´t be patched/fixed easly. complete different style of games and so much bullshiii... things in poe1 gone worst since archnemesis, sanctum, ultimatum. forcing into such other playstyle... thanks for that. not do your challanges and stupid mechaniks in poe2 and make poe1 great again. thanks!
Bumping this. PoE is the only game I’ve enjoyed playing in the past 7 years. Everything else was a fling.
I was fine with league frequency increasing to 4 months, especially since we did get some really cool leagues.
But now, with over 6 months and no sign of life in sight I really start to think it’s time to quit gaming for good. No other game will ever catch me like this again and as it’ left to die, so is the reason to even own a rig.
Zrevnur#2026 wrote:
All the recent "PoE" news in the PoE1 game are for another game (PoE2).

And the forum is overrun by PoE2 stuff despite there being a dedicated forum for it.

And PoE2 still seems to be overly popular.

And former GGG promises cant be trusted. Obviously PoE1 is suffering majorly due to PoE2.

So unfortunately its looking quite bleak for PoE1... Only real hope I see is for PoE2 popularity to degrade.

And why do I have to verify that I am human for everything in the forum now?

ecactly THIS
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
They're on Christmas break yall, I suggest trying back after the new year. But honestly don't get your hopes up for now, the said awhile ago they'd talk about the new poe1 league sometime in February, and with how much work they've got with poe2 I really don't see them having extra time to do something earlier.

PoE1 is dead bro.

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