Why no one ever responds in Trade?

I Direct Message people all the time. For 2 days now trying to buy a Unique and no one ever responds.
Last bumped on Feb 1, 2025, 4:45:19 PM
Game needs a market place or auction house like in Last Epoch, it's full of afk traders which makes trading a pain in the butt.
Last edited by Afura#6483 on Dec 19, 2024, 8:23:18 AM
Trade system is Horrible.
Feels like something invented 30 years ago.

Also fix bots selling 10s of thousands of items and dictating prices.
It's as easy as making listing price increase (exponential?) with every listing and then slowly decay over a day or so.
Then make listed auctions last 48 hrs only.

Real players will be able to list 5-10-20 items per day, bots won't be able to afford listing and re-listing 100s and 1000s.

Tweak as needed to make it too cumbersome and expensive to be a super-listing farmer/bot.
Last edited by Locuus#1650 on Dec 19, 2024, 9:01:27 AM
It was already terrible in poe 1 but in poe 2 this is an actual nightmare. With like 10* more player online trading is impossible if you dont want to overpay massively.

The game is infested with price fixers trying to essentially scam people that don't know they have a very valuable item. Go look up prices for the three dragons unique helm.

I didn't know myself and when I listed the item for one exalt I think half of China messaged me.
If you are buying a 1ex unique just spam 10 people in a row and wait 10 seconds, if no invite move down the list.

Its not worth it to leave a map for late game players for a 1 ex trade. You get like 3-5 ex drop every map, which is a big reason ex is deflating in value. Not to mention people have figured out how to make multiple divs an hour now and will only1 be trading 1ex items if tou catch them while they are sitting in their hideout and friction from a 1ex trade is minimal.

Higher level trading strategies have them putting items that might look awful to regular players, but sought out by crafters in high div dump tabs they periodicly shuffle down after a certain amount of time.

People at high level dont have time to price check every item they have, especislly when people will do it for you with that method.

An item might for instance have perfect or near perfect suffix/prefix modifiers and junk everything else, but is worth 20-40 div or more because of omens. But a newer player is going to just see a junk item and vendor it or even worse try and craft on it themselves.
They do. Just need to look past the first low balling price fixer.
Stop to think for a second. This game trade demands you to work more to sell than a seller need to in real life. In real life you put something for sale, forwarded by a distribution system like amazon or some other. Set a price and do NOTHING else. WHen they buy you get the money. In this game we are stuck to a HORRIBLE system where the seller must be

1. Online
2. Not AFK
3. Not in middle of a Map that he cannot bail
4. Not distracted by something in real life
5. Not already handling other trades that overhelm him

Trade delivery should be automated. People avoid to trade in Real life as trade is done in this game.. so no clue why they keep it this way.

To sell something is incredibly annoying in this game.

The current system has so many issues...

Firstly, it allows for easy market manipulation with prices. When you put something in your tab (online or offline) nothing is forcing you to sell for that price allowing for people and bots to list hundreds of bogus 1 exalt listings they have no intention of actually selling.
When people see this price many will assume this is the price point and list accordingly, only to be flooded by purchase requests by those self-same bots or people who know that these items are actually worth significantly more.

Second, timezones exist and people are not always just standing around doing nothing while the items are listed. Making acquisition of some items exceptionally difficult as they not only need to drop, but the person who gets it needs to be willing to sell it, and be active during your time zone.

Third, simply player error or outright scamming. It hasn't happened to me personally, but under the current system it's not hard to believe that incorrect items or amounts have, can, and will occur during the trade even with the current systems in place. Either by mistake or maliciously, the end results are the same.


The solution, to me, is simple even if they don't want to 100% implement an auction house system within the game. Rather than a "direct whisper" option on *their* trade website, just make that option complete the transaction entirely. Maybe send the whisper to let the seller know their item has been sold and for how much.
For the transaction to take place both the currency and the item being sold must be in their respective stash tabs. Once the item is purchased it's put into a withdraw-only "purchases" tab or a newly implemented mail system.

This eliminations both the activity/timezone issue as well as the market manipulation and scam issues currently enabled and ongoing by the current system even this early in early access.
Are people finally realizing just how absolutely shit and abusable the trading system is?

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