Prices, overview for the currency

Hey guys I didnt play POE for a long time and at that time it was POE1. In POE1 exalted orbs as I remember where about 160 Chaos. Now things changed and ppl are offering quite crappy items still for much, as it seems to me.

A jewellers Orb for instance u can buy 3 for 1 ex or 600 augmentations. 1 Exalted is listes for about 270 augmentations. 1 alchemy for 200. 1 chaos for 450. thats just sone examples. It doesnt feel right to me since everyone has a knowledge/feeling about the dropping rate. Also 1 exalted, for instance, viewed by the drop rate as well of its possibilities should then be much worth than an alchemy, which is listed at the more or less same price range. So guys - i don' t get it. Prices are still fucked aren' t they?

What do you think and how do u spend ur ex ? While leveling it feeld very frustrating that some kinda good items at whatever lvl 26 are listed for 4 ex, and u know for sure later u get way better stuff.

also i am wondering if there was not a website where u could see currency exchange courses. its gone I think.
Last bumped on Dec 20, 2024, 3:28:31 AM
In PoE 1, they changed Exalted Orbs so they are no longer the core currency for crafting metamods, instead, Divine Orbs took their place. As a result, Divine Orbs are now valued at around 150c to 200c.
In PoE 2, there is a new economy. Exalted Orbs are more common because GGG wants players to use them for crafting, making them less valuable overall.

for poe1:

for poe2: (dont know how good it is)

Both games now feature an in-game currency exchange trading post.

In Poe 2 it’s Alva in your hideout.

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