Is this how POE 1 end game played? Lots of micromanagement?

I'm not a POE 1 player, so I'm genuinely trying to figure it out.

I'm level 88 with 100+ hours. I'm like a casual hardcore player. I didn't have anything else to do but I walked in with no information.

POE 2 end game is boring and I've stopped playing.

Just like Diablo 4 and Lost Ark, even though I'm level 88 with pretty expensive mid-level gear... I make a few exalts a map. I could play all day and not make a divine.

I have to combine waystones to t15, and most of the time they drop with elemental resistance/ elemental ailment/ monster health so they take 10x time to kill. I have to combine 300 waystones into one t15. The drops are crap.

The monsters remind me of EA D4 at higher nightmare dungeons. In fact this game surprisingly reminds me of a lot of the early negatives of D4. The bosses are so stupid with again dumb gimmicks. Telegraphing is a little better on POE but they still do stupid stuff all the time where you much die.

I never should have picked melee because theres no upside to it at end game. It has much higher gear requirements and you're always in the highest danger, but don't have higher survivability than the ranger or sorc.

I know all of you will tear this post down because you aren't progressing far enough to complain. The same thing happened in Outriders, Lost Ark, D4, etc. It's' a warning. You are a hamster on a wheel and you think if I just upgrade this one thing I'm going to be making so much money and gear.

I think part of the lack of enjoyment is the complete Chinese trade market takeover. I should have played SSF if this were the case. The second problem is just the amount of inventory management, downtime, stupid deaths, crappy affixes and everything else involving waystones and mapping.

I really have to wonder if the streamers got more to their account than just priority login. I've played at the top tiers of the game for 10s of hours, looting everything and its all garbage. I have 71% magic find lol.
Last edited by darthgravy#0034 on Dec 21, 2024, 5:10:11 AM
Last bumped on Dec 21, 2024, 10:07:01 AM
I'm not a POE 1 player, so I'm genuinely trying to figure it out.

I'm level 88 with 100+ hours. I'm like a casual hardcore player. I didn't have anything else to do but I walked in with no information.

POE 2 end game is boring and I've stopped playing.

Just like Diablo 4 and Lost Ark, even though I'm level 88 with pretty expensive mid-level gear... I make a few exalts a map. I could play all day and not make a divine.

I have to combine waystones to t15, and most of the time they drop with elemental resistance/ elemental ailment/ monster health so they take 10x time to kill. I have to combine 300 waystones into one t15. The drops are crap.

The monsters remind me of EA D4 at higher nightmare dungeons. In fact this game surprisingly reminds me of a lot of the early negatives of D4. The bosses are so stupid with again dumb gimmicks. Telegraphing is a little better on POE but they still do stupid stuff all the time where you much die.

I never should have picked melee because theres no upside to it at end game. It has much higher gear requirements and you're always in the highest danger, but don't have higher survivability than the ranger or sorc.

I know all of you will tear this post down because you aren't progressing far enough to complain. The same thing happened in Outriders, Lost Ark, D4, etc. It's' a warning. You are a hamster on a wheel and you think if I just upgrade this one thing I'm going to be making so much money and gear.

I think part of the lack of enjoyment is the complete Chinese trade market takeover. I should have played SSF if this were the case. The second problem is just the amount of inventory management, downtime, stupid deaths, crappy affixes and everything else involving waystones and mapping.

I really have to wonder if the streamers got more to their account than just priority login. I've played at the top tiers of the game for 10s of hours, looting everything and its all garbage. I have 71% magic find lol.

I have 7K+ hours. First few 1000s I had to play with the poewiki, poecraft and poebuild and poe trade open. You also need a program like poeadvancetrading in poe1 I guess it will come to poe2.
After 7k hours there are a lot of builds I master and can play blindly, but for a lot of arcanes I have not play like ward builds I am still almost new and need all of the webistes.

In poe1 unless you really put in the work you'll never achieve "victory". There will always be some mods you can't do, some 1shot mechanics

I also am a SSF player because in PoE1 economy always been the same. Bots and kin do not matter. What always happen in PoE1 is that you can play in group with high magif find %. So there are a lot of "pro" groups playing this game to crazy extend. To make it short one group of MF players can do in a day what I will do in a year playing 4 hours a day minimum.
Last edited by epiphase#4568 on Dec 21, 2024, 10:10:24 AM

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