Full gameplay for bearform ?

I was looking at your recent video and i saw the druid bear form which seem really really cool ... BUT why is he transforming back to human form everytime he dodge ? You already know we need to dodge every 2 seconds... Is the core game of the bear going to be Shape - Unshape - Shape - Unshape - Shape - Unshape ? I like playing druid form in game (Diablo 2 and Baldur gate) and that would be awesome if we could play a bear spec or wolf etc instead of being forced to be hybrid.
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2025, 4:02:36 PM
What recent video?
BUT why is he transforming back to human form everytime he dodge ?

Do a bear roll.

That would be a sight to see!

Do a bear roll.

That would be a sight to see!

I lol'd in Star Fox.
Bartender, your finest ale please.

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