Dealing with Frozen Ailment

I am running CI on a Chayula Monk and I am doing very well running T15s with almost no issue, except chill/freeze. For some reason if my character is hit twice by a cold attack I become frozen and it's all over for me. I have max cold resistance and I even put some %increased Frozen threshold in my jewels. All of my deaths in T15 maps have been from getting frozen. I know I can put on the thawing charm to try and mitigate but I feel like I am not understanding something about my defense and I would love to use that charm slot for something else, anyone having similar issue and know of ways to mitigate the ailment?

Last edited by stvhunt132#7806 on Dec 22, 2024, 7:29:43 PM
Last bumped on Jan 22, 2025, 9:57:19 AM
I'm in the same boat. Level 96 and overall have a very strong character. I die in this game to two things. Being stun locked during Simulacrums ( I can toss a stun charm in there to help with it ) , but what about what im running juicy maps with distilled emotions. Ingenuity belt only holds a single charm.

The frozen effect is 4 seconds, and it appears another can be immediately stacked on top of it. So if i'm in a breach. Im basically just waiting for death after the first frozen ailment.

Is this just a vent forums or is there anything that can be realistically done to remove the negative effects of this? It seems cold resistance should provide some layer of defense to protect you from the lasting effect and or the 100% chance it has to land on you. A lvl 100 can seemingly get frozen by some level 60 white trash mob. What gives?
With CI, I think you'd need Icebreaker (100% of ES as additional frozen threshold).

Problem with % based things is that when your hp is 1, well, 100% would raise that to being based off 2. So you need something additive (Insulated Threads, Natural Immunity would be two other options besides Icebreaker) or that switches the base to something other than your hp pool (don't think this exists for freeze threshold, though, with CI this is effectively what Icebreaker is).
Last edited by Axterix13#5693 on Jan 21, 2025, 11:34:49 PM
I've run into the same. Freezes and stuns as well, especially if a rare monster sneaks up behind me that I haven't looked at yet and has Stuns as one of its modifiers. Some form of diminishing returns need to be implemented. Getting chain cc'd freeze/stun/freeze/stun for 5-8+ seconds is just simply not fun. Also the build-up time for freezing needs to be slightly tuned. Even with 200% freeze buildup I don't think two random mobs swinging should render your level 90+ character completely powerless.
With CI, I think you'd need Icebreaker (100% of ES as additional frozen threshold).

92 CI here and i never got Frozen ever because the Icebreaker cluster is mandatory .

Problem with % based things is that when your hp is 1, well, 100% would raise that to being based off 2.

Wrong , the cluster give to the 100% of before-CI max life an additional 130% of max energy shield for ailment res calculations which means you become invulnerable to Freeze ( strongbox say hello ) .
No need for further buffs to frozen threshold whatsoever :


The chance and duration of both being stunned and receiving an elemental status ailments is based on your maximum life before CI takes effect[1]. Maximum Life modifiers such as increased maximum Life, reduced maximum Life, etc. apply to the life before CI is applied. Since this base life value is then overwritten by CI, the only advantage life modifiers provide to a CI character is the reduction on stun and status ailment thresholds.

CI isn't weak against Freeze or Stun . It's CI players picking gear without +life on it and then complaining they get Stun/Freeze locked . Either use gear with +life on it or pick the passives .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

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Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 22, 2025, 3:21:45 AM
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
With CI, I think you'd need Icebreaker (100% of ES as additional frozen threshold).

92 CI here and i never got Frozen ever because the Icebreaker cluster is mandatory .

Problem with % based things is that when your hp is 1, well, 100% would raise that to being based off 2.

Wrong , the cluster give to the 100% of before-CI max life an additional 130% of max energy shield for ailment res calculations which means you become invulnerable to Freeze ( strongbox say hello ) .
No need for further buffs to frozen threshold whatsoever :


The chance and duration of both being stunned and receiving an elemental status ailments is based on your maximum life before CI takes effect[1]. Maximum Life modifiers such as increased maximum Life, reduced maximum Life, etc. apply to the life before CI is applied. Since this base life value is then overwritten by CI, the only advantage life modifiers provide to a CI character is the reduction on stun and status ailment thresholds.

CI isn't weak against Freeze or Stun . It's CI players picking gear without +life on it and then complaining they get Stun/Freeze locked . Either use gear with +life on it or pick the passives .

to be fair, this part of the mechanic isn't very clear. i wish there are stun/freeze threshold in character stats panel to be displayed

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