Which player character do you like the most?

With all the negativity around, lets talk about something we like.

Which character you like the most? As in story, behavior, voice acting and so on?

I have been trying different characters. So far I found the mercenary the most fun. He talks shit, is greedy. I like the voice lines in general.

Perhaps combined that I also happen to like the crossbow abilities, I have liked playing my mercenary the most so far.
Last bumped on Jan 29, 2025, 6:40:35 PM
warrior, for two reasons: first, its the only character i played sofar lol
second, he seems to be genuienly a good guy, like all the exiles have done stuff in the past that got them exiled, but warrior realy seems like a good guy
From a story perspective, Warrior seems to be the clear winner. A good quarter of the dialogue in Clearfell changes since you're Renly's son. None of the other characters get that much weight in the story I've found - Monk gets ONE dialogue with the thief, that's it.

From a personality perspective, the little bit I've played of the mercenary makes him a favorite. Witch also seems good. Warriors basic but solid. Monk I loathe but I like the Invoker playstyle (at least until Shadow comes out for my wise ass cocky assassin).
Sorc was good because she gets tons of Maraketh lore.
Since i like chill peoples i prefered my merc and warrior run they sound like nice guys.

Sorceress too angry
Witch is a bit too unhinged
Monk is in another dimension too ascedant for me

I dont know for Ranger
I prefer warrior, but I like merc's voice lines best.
I'm a skeptical user and borderline hater.
I think I like warrior the best though I wasn't really comfortable with him being written into the story line that deep. Now it all makes sense...

I find the sorc's on and off accent to be weird. Plus the things she says...like why is she pro maraketh if she's an exile?

Like I think she drops her accent when she says "no mana".

I'd just as well have the character drop the stilted accent and talk normal.

Which I might add "no mana" is the most annoying most repetitive line for all characters.

Personally I find the VA on all the male characters poorly done and largely irritating. Accents that shift, inane comments. I wish we could turn them off entirely.

Templar in POE and games that invest more heavily into real VA have spoiled me I suppose, but really, if it's not adding anything, it doesn't need to be there.

As it stands, the current VA adds nothing, but does irritate me and detract from the experience.

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