BRRROOOO finding a citadel is harder than getting a date on TINDER!!!!

if i put as much time and effort into finding a citadel as i did in life id have a billionaire sugar mommy paying all my gaming fees.

i have 300 hours in the game.

5 level 80+ different classes.

ran close 2 400 maps.

have 2 quad tabs of waystones.

yet i cant find a single one of these mythical citadels. BRO its so bad im getting lost on my fucking atlas map. im gonna need a map for my map soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its stressing me out man....
Last bumped on Dec 30, 2024, 8:12:50 AM
The fun thing here, is that you have to find 3 of them - and only have one try when you actually find them. Fail to dodge one attack, and you have to spend another 300 hours to find the next one(s).

We all love when developers "artificially" prolong their games.

The endgame as a whole just seems rushed, almost like it was slapped on as an afterthought. The foundation is there, sure, but there is A LOT of work and tuning to be done. But hey, that's what a beta is for, right?

Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
EA is not beta. They need to fix this map
There is a simple solution for this.

Uninstall the game for two or three months and find better options for your free time. I'll prolly make a new char after I'm done with 3.26 IF they do some big changes.

I got to tier ten maps but it all got very frustrating very fast so I uninstalled.

I really hope the one death/ map issue is adressed.

I also hope they do something about the rituals as they ar much too crowded because the map topology is terrible most of times (a lot of tunnels and corridors unsuitable for people not using blink or FOTM builds) and it affects ritual area size.

Finally, that skill tree is almost junk tier. It needs to go and it needs to go fast. We need compelling and innovative nodes not this diablo style recycled tired spam. Yay get all ES nodes now game is easy mode! You'd think they fixed this issue back in 2014 and learned from it.
Second-class poe gamer
pr13st#1040 wrote:
There is a simple solution for this.

Uninstall the game for two or three months and find better options for your free time. I'll prolly make a new char after I'm done with 3.26 IF they do some big changes.

I got to tier ten maps but it all got very frustrating very fast so I uninstalled.

I really hope the one death/ map issue is adressed.

I also hope they do something about the rituals as they ar much too crowded because the map topology is terrible most of times (a lot of tunnels and corridors unsuitable for people not using blink or FOTM builds) and it affects ritual area size.

Finally, that skill tree is almost junk tier. It needs to go and it needs to go fast. We need compelling and innovative nodes not this diablo style recycled tired spam. Yay get all ES nodes now game is easy mode! You'd think they fixed this issue back in 2014 and learned from it.

I still don't dig the vision tbh. They want a slow methodical combat with meaningful combos and yet they slap Breach, Deli, Expedition and Ritual in it as Endgame options. All mechanics reliable on clearing as fast as possible and blasting monsters left and right

The game could have used beast reworked, metamorphosis or even something like destructive play to spawn several bosses.
I stopped playing and installed Torchlight 2.. what a breath of fresh air lol
I cant imagine playing ssf where you cant buy the fragments. What a crazy game.
I still don't dig the vision tbh. They want a slow methodical combat with meaningful combos and yet they slap Breach, Deli, Expedition and Ritual in it as Endgame options. All mechanics reliable on clearing as fast as possible and blasting monsters left and right

The game could have used beast reworked, metamorphosis or even something like destructive play to spawn several bosses.

YESSS this 100%.

A lot of the maps are tight with small narrow spaces, which works for slow position based gameplay.

The mobs tho rush you so fast and the only option is to obliterate them before they reach you or have a wall of minions/totems to get in the way.

The campaign was near perfect, if only they continued that gameplay and just made it more challenging.

As for the citadels, I am 2/3 and am struggling to find the Iron Citadel, it has become such a chore. At the moment I will get it done, kill the bbeg once and then prolly just focus on making different builds for fun.
If you're talking about EA, then try the EA forum.

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