It looks like poe 2 early access has over 1 million purchases while the game isnt even officialy released. What could this mean for the future of the game? I can already see some red flags. What I mean by that is that there are some signs of the developers being lazy that remind me of one company being Blizzard entertainment.
- We have tiers of bosses. You have to fight the same boss four times to get atlas skill points. Was that ever part of path of exile 1? No. Everything was unique there. Also one of the skill points is always +1 difficulty to that encounter. How is that not megaboring? IS that something that is just part of early access or is this the new Blizzard-like lazy trend?
- We have tiers of weapons with the same art and name. Also this wasnt in poe 1.
Is anyone else concerned about the future of this game? Are they already testing what can they "get away with" ?
Last bumped on Jan 2, 2025, 5:47:58 PM
- We have tiers of weapons with the same art and name. Also this wasnt in poe 1.
We absolutely had different tiers of weapons with the same art in PoE 1. Sure, their names were different, but did naming them "Karui axe", "Jasper axe" and "Jade axe" add a lot more to the game than naming them "advanced" and "expert"? Some would even say that it makes things clearer. Everyone knows that an "advanced" version of something is better than a normal one, but not many new players know that a Jasper axe is better than a Karui axe.
Regarding the endgame bossing system; I agree, it's kinda boring and lacks some creativity. The endgame is full of bad design decisions, some of them being REALLY bad for longevity and player burnout. Lets hope they'll get fixed rather soon.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Posted byPhrazz#3529on Jan 2, 2025, 7:06:58 AM
The game’s not even finished calm down sweetheart
Run a hot bath and think of some good things
Last edited by gorgrealll#2410 on Jan 2, 2025, 8:07:16 AM
Posted bygorgrealll#2410on Jan 2, 2025, 8:06:03 AM
It looks like poe 2 early access has over 1 million purchases while the game isnt even officialy released. What could this mean for the future of the game? I can already see some red flags. What I mean by that is that there are some signs of the developers being lazy that remind me of one company being Blizzard entertainment.
- We have tiers of bosses. You have to fight the same boss four times to get atlas skill points. Was that ever part of path of exile 1? No. Everything was unique there. Also one of the skill points is always +1 difficulty to that encounter. How is that not megaboring? IS that something that is just part of early access or is this the new Blizzard-like lazy trend?
- We have tiers of weapons with the same art and name. Also this wasnt in poe 1.
Is anyone else concerned about the future of this game? Are they already testing what can they "get away with" ?
Did you miss most of the last decade with POE1? I feel like you're comparing the current state of POE1 to the current state of POE2 which are clearly at different places in maturation.
I'm not really going to defend POE2 in the current state because I strongly prefer POE1 over it, but one has been around for a long time and one is in early access.
Thanks for all the fish!
Posted byNubatron#4333on Jan 2, 2025, 10:07:29 AM
It looks like poe 2 early access has over 1 million purchases while the game isnt even officialy released. What could this mean for the future of the game? I can already see some red flags. What I mean by that is that there are some signs of the developers being lazy that remind me of one company being Blizzard entertainment.
- We have tiers of bosses. You have to fight the same boss four times to get atlas skill points. Was that ever part of path of exile 1? No. Everything was unique there. Also one of the skill points is always +1 difficulty to that encounter. How is that not megaboring? IS that something that is just part of early access or is this the new Blizzard-like lazy trend?
- We have tiers of weapons with the same art and name. Also this wasnt in poe 1.
Is anyone else concerned about the future of this game? Are they already testing what can they "get away with" ?
Dude poe1 has multiple different versions of a ton of bosses. You're also purposely misrepresenting the atlas points, you get 2 points per tier kill and that means a notable per kill. This is like complaining that ascendancies are bad because a point is spent on a small node, and not mentioning the notable.
For gear it's the same thing, poe1 already has this, just instead of calling it expert they give it a different name.
So no I'm not concerned about what ggg does with poe2, I'm concerned about posts like this that are just blatantly wrong.
Posted byBleu42#4018on Jan 2, 2025, 10:25:47 AM
It looks like poe 2 early access has over 1 million purchases while the game isnt even officialy released. What could this mean for the future of the game? I can already see some red flags. What I mean by that is that there are some signs of the developers being lazy that remind me of one company being Blizzard entertainment.
- We have tiers of bosses. You have to fight the same boss four times to get atlas skill points. Was that ever part of path of exile 1? No. Everything was unique there. Also one of the skill points is always +1 difficulty to that encounter. How is that not megaboring? IS that something that is just part of early access or is this the new Blizzard-like lazy trend?
- We have tiers of weapons with the same art and name. Also this wasnt in poe 1.
Is anyone else concerned about the future of this game? Are they already testing what can they "get away with" ?
Dude poe1 has multiple different versions of a ton of bosses. You're also purposely misrepresenting the atlas points, you get 2 points per tier kill and that means a notable per kill. This is like complaining that ascendancies are bad because a point is spent on a small node, and not mentioning the notable.
For gear it's the same thing, poe1 already has this, just instead of calling it expert they give it a different name.
So no I'm not concerned about what ggg does with poe2, I'm concerned about posts like this that are just blatantly wrong.
If you cant see the problem here I guess you are one of the lucky enjoyers of whatever the developers throw at you. Do you still play world of warcraft?
It looks like poe 2 early access has over 1 million purchases while the game isnt even officialy released. What could this mean for the future of the game? I can already see some red flags. What I mean by that is that there are some signs of the developers being lazy that remind me of one company being Blizzard entertainment.
- We have tiers of bosses. You have to fight the same boss four times to get atlas skill points. Was that ever part of path of exile 1? No. Everything was unique there. Also one of the skill points is always +1 difficulty to that encounter. How is that not megaboring? IS that something that is just part of early access or is this the new Blizzard-like lazy trend?
- We have tiers of weapons with the same art and name. Also this wasnt in poe 1.
Is anyone else concerned about the future of this game? Are they already testing what can they "get away with" ?
Dude poe1 has multiple different versions of a ton of bosses. You're also purposely misrepresenting the atlas points, you get 2 points per tier kill and that means a notable per kill. This is like complaining that ascendancies are bad because a point is spent on a small node, and not mentioning the notable.
For gear it's the same thing, poe1 already has this, just instead of calling it expert they give it a different name.
So no I'm not concerned about what ggg does with poe2, I'm concerned about posts like this that are just blatantly wrong.
If you cant see the problem here I guess you are one of the lucky enjoyers of whatever the developers throw at you. Do you still play world of warcraft?
Buddy, sometimes it's better to just not reply when you can't defend what you've stated.
Posted byBleu42#4018on Jan 2, 2025, 12:21:12 PM
Sometimes is better to not reply when you dont understand the point.
It looks like poe 2 early access has over 1 million purchases while the game isnt even officialy released. What could this mean for the future of the game? I can already see some red flags. What I mean by that is that there are some signs of the developers being lazy that remind me of one company being Blizzard entertainment.
- We have tiers of bosses. You have to fight the same boss four times to get atlas skill points. Was that ever part of path of exile 1? No. Everything was unique there. Also one of the skill points is always +1 difficulty to that encounter. How is that not megaboring? IS that something that is just part of early access or is this the new Blizzard-like lazy trend?
- We have tiers of weapons with the same art and name. Also this wasnt in poe 1.
Is anyone else concerned about the future of this game? Are they already testing what can they "get away with" ?
They released half the campaign , maybe a third of the build possibilities ( classes / weapons / ascendencies / ... ) and yes they did put an unfinished and unpolished Endgame content on top of it to gets the community enough content for the year to come ... but we were already farming T16 and Pinnacle when the first update did hit .
So is it unfinished & unbalanced ? Yes .
Will it be the same product when the game is fully released ? No .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale
ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Posted byAshyev#5110on Jan 2, 2025, 5:32:12 PM
Really looking forward to hearing what the next patch will focus on.
Console loot filter for POE2 Please!
Posted byDie_Scream#5464on Jan 2, 2025, 5:47:58 PM