Is anyone else stuck on waystones?

Hey Exiles, I'm just curious if anyone has had this situation besides myself.

I've been hard stuck at lvl 84 cannot get past lvl 6-9 waystones most of the time. Originally I had some was going smooth, but had a death streak early on and have not been able to get back up to them. Higher level ones rarely come and when they do come those maps don't drop any more, or occasionally die which also doesn't help, back down to doing 6-9 stones. I have all my waystone nodes unlocked and use all my currency on my waystones and still hard stuck. Still enjoying the game a lot, but I simply have not been able to progress (aside from some nice drops here and there) the last 4 days playing non stop which is kind of lame. Im self found 100% so far, and could ask my friend for stuff, don't want to, might have to.

Is there a way out of this that I'm not seeing? Or should I just keep grinding how I am. Idk what else I can do to help my chances of the drops aside from spending all my currency on them and atlas nodes.
Last bumped on Jan 4, 2025, 4:29:08 PM
There is multiple threads about that subject already .

> Pick every Atlas nodes related to Waystones / Tablets / MF
> Buff your MF on your equipment to 100% minimum
> Buff to the moon your strongest Waystone if it got MF on it
> Put tablets on at least 3 towers and farm any Breaches there
> Once you start stacking Breach Tablets repeat in another zone
> 100% every high level map if it has a great MF & Waystone drop chance
> Never sell any "useless" waystone , merge 3 into 1 of a stronger level
> If you are drowning in gold you can also buy mid tier waystone for merging purpose

If you do all of this you will be fine ...
I'm a little further than you on my main character and never struggled with waystones so far .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 4, 2025, 10:42:30 AM
Thanks. I will keep grinding. :D
In my experience this is how it works:

Only bosses do drop reliably waystones early on, therefore your strat to sustain has to revolve around this fact.

Use lowtier waystones for towers and travelnodes towards bosses, then use highest tiers for those boss encounters.
Try to roll as many affixes onto the waystone but keep it managable, you still have to beat the boss after all.

Use towers and tablets in order to irridiate bossmaps, wont always work but if it does its one extratier.

Bosses can drop waystones 2 tiers higher than the current zone and frequently do so. If you successfully irridiate, its potentially 3 tiers higher than the waystone you were initially using.

Do this for a while and you wont have any issues dropping hier tiers at all.

Invest your Atlaspoints into:
- chance to drop waystones
- magic mob packsize (can drop +1 tier)
- rare mob packsize (can also drop +1 tier)
- item quantity
- item rarity

Everything else is fairly useless as far as sustain is concerned.

With enough investment T15 bosses drop regularly 4-5 T15 waystones for me but that requires all Atlaspoint unlocked and invested into sustain as well as plenty affixes on the waystones themselves for higher chance to drop them as displayed on each waystone.
appreciate it I will try to do all this stuff.
Easy. Use your highest tier map with high waystone quantity (6 mods with 3 suffixes) on "deadly boss" nodes. you can also corrupt them for even higher waystone quantity drop. (over 500%).

And merge your lower tier maps with reforging bench.

Use atlas passives for more waystone quantity, item quantity, and waystone + tier.

You don't need to use towers for map sustain but they can help with a boost. The towers are better later on imo.
oh and the dying part.... need to fix that. Dying will definitely make it harder to sustain
I think doing more bosses is what I might have been missing. I knew I would find people who would set me right here. Thanks again. I think I just need to hunt the bosses right now. Yeah the dying f'ed me early on, I lost all my good waystones.
I have had issues as well.

It lowers the enjoyment of the maps when your main concern is a decent waystone dropping over any possible loot (on SSF).
They are literally punishing you and forcing you to do shit you don’t want to do in order to gain the privilege of playing the endgame. Lol. And everyone is eating it up. Wild times in gaming man.

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