The Potential is as High as Any ARPG Ever, Sans Diablo II

While I think the current state of customer service is atrocious, I also think the foundation for a VERY good game is apparent. I also believe PoE1 has a lot to do with said foundation, and the only direction PoE2 will go from here is up.

I know Early Access currently seems like a very rough ride for several reasons. Just remember we are headed in the right direction and many of these issues won't be here by the end of the year. The only area that gives me long-term concern is trading, but from recent reports I believe we have change coming in that area as well.
Last edited by MissEpic#7842 on Jan 5, 2025, 9:10:46 PM
Last bumped on Jan 6, 2025, 9:28:38 PM
I agree and disagree. If you play PoE 1 you know the game has gotten worse every league. Might be 3 bad leagues and they strike gold with a league but than 3 bad ones follow. You can feel the direction they want to take making PoE more hardcore and punishing.

PoE 2 has a good foundation but the direction is not one any player wants. They could make the game more fun and rewarding but they will end up nerfing everything into the ground including loot and make the game worse and worse.

First character in PoE 2 I had about 100x exalts and 1 divine dropped as I hit maps. Second character done this week and I had 3 exalts drop before maps.

That is how stingy the devs have already nuked the drops.
Last edited by Idle-Race#9384 on Jan 6, 2025, 7:51:06 AM
I agree and disagree. If you play PoE 1 you know the game has gotten worse every league. Might be 3 bad leagues and they strike gold with a league but than 3 bad ones follow. You can feel the direction they want to take making PoE more hardcore and punishing.

PoE 2 has a good foundation but the direction is not one any player wants. They could make the game more fun and rewarding but they will end up nerfing everything into the ground including loot and make the game worse and worse.

First character in PoE 2 I had about 100x exalts and 1 divine dropped as I hit maps. Second character done this week and I had 3 exalts drop before maps.

That is how stingy the devs have already nuked the drops.

Funny you say that when devs were not working last 2 weeks. Also you are wrong that nobody wants more methodical gameplay. I would love if the game played like first 2 acts all the time. I dont want another walking simulator.
kuciol#0426 wrote:
I agree and disagree. If you play PoE 1 you know the game has gotten worse every league. Might be 3 bad leagues and they strike gold with a league but than 3 bad ones follow. You can feel the direction they want to take making PoE more hardcore and punishing.

PoE 2 has a good foundation but the direction is not one any player wants. They could make the game more fun and rewarding but they will end up nerfing everything into the ground including loot and make the game worse and worse.

First character in PoE 2 I had about 100x exalts and 1 divine dropped as I hit maps. Second character done this week and I had 3 exalts drop before maps.

That is how stingy the devs have already nuked the drops.

Funny you say that when devs were not working last 2 weeks. Also you are wrong that nobody wants more methodical gameplay. I would love if the game played like first 2 acts all the time. I dont want another walking simulator.

I have to agree with Kuciol here, if PoE2 just ends up going the direction of 1 and staying their I won't be nearly as impressed. I had so much fun struggling on my warrior but the second I found the galvanic shards build for clearing on Witch Hunter the game actually just turned into PoE1. I would love to see the devs bring everything into line and make the end game a more similar pace to the first play through (of acts 1-3) than continue pushing us closer and closer to a 'walking sim' aka PoE1.
Leagues are going to be tough with a game with such a slow and boring leveling process.
Leagues are going to be tough with a game with such a slow and boring leveling process.

It won't make it in this state. Remember 3 more acts to come and you can guess they all will be similar to act 3.

Then you have awful large maps with disgusting layouts on top. 2 leagues (if they don't work on it) and the playerbase is done with it.

Right now the game doesn't serve as a live service game, need to be honest here

But it has the biggest potential. Depends entirely on GGG, otherwise it will be more niche than 1 in the near future
Leagues are going to be tough with a game with such a slow and boring leveling process.

You will just need to have different approach. Instead of making 5 specialised characters you will make 2 a lot more balanced. You need to have different mindset. Stop insisting to play it the same way as you do in poe1.
Leagues are going to be tough with a game with such a slow and boring leveling process.

Then go play Diablo 4 which feels basically the same from start to finish.

I like leveling through a campagin, its a must have for a good ARPG. There isnt even a single ARPG which allows you to skip the campagin which is good. Diablo 3 and 4 both allows you to skip the campagin and both games are very mediocre.
kuciol#0426 wrote:
Leagues are going to be tough with a game with such a slow and boring leveling process.

You will just need to have different approach. Instead of making 5 specialised characters you will make 2 a lot more balanced. You need to have different mindset. Stop insisting to play it the same way as you do in poe1.

Maybe you misunderstand me. The long/tedious/hard/boring leveling makes me less likely to want to level again every 3-4 months. It also makes playing an alt very unattractive. This from a guy who loves league starts and loves playing multiple characters, too.
V4ldaran#3607 wrote:
Leagues are going to be tough with a game with such a slow and boring leveling process.

Then go play Diablo 4 which feels basically the same from start to finish.

I like leveling through a campagin, its a must have for a good ARPG. There isnt even a single ARPG which allows you to skip the campagin which is good. Diablo 3 and 4 both allows you to skip the campagin and both games are very mediocre.

This is just gaslighting. I never asked for campaign skip. I like campaigns in general when done right. Hopefully it's streamlined a bit come official launch day. 9-10 acts of these huge slogging maps will not be fun every 3 months.

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